INTERVENTION — Reality Show Rescue Addicts – How YOU Are Killing the Animals

This is an Intervention.
It probably won’t work, but for the sake of innocent animals, we must at least try.
Unfortunately, social media has made fundraising, marketing, and PR free and easy for donation-funded “welfare animal rescues”.
We are not speaking of the welfare of animals, oh no, far from it. Instead, these “rescues” are exactly like welfare recipients that supposedly “can’t find a job” and/or like scammers that say they can’t work but they are not disabled. Since they are often really good actors, they have fake accidents with them playing the part of the victim – i.e. the “slip and fall accident” is the classic “accident” and one that most everyone has heard of. The scam-artists “work the system” committing fraud and collecting as much free money as they can before starting in with other scams.
Some, perhaps many of the operators of animal rescues are the garden-variety con-artists that have come out of their holes because there are literally MILLIONS of “marks” and “addicts” on social media they can con money out of using animals as “the hook” and “donation-bait”.
They use and exploit animals AND gullible people who literally become addicted to reality-show-fakery as their primary source of entertainment (these people must live pathetically sad, miserable, boring little lives to be sucked-in by the players that run these scams).
People that follow these “rescues” that assuredly aren’t animal rights or animal welfare rescues unless “rescuing” animals includes conning money out of people and then disposing of animals “wherever”, are NOT animal lovers even though they may actually believe they are.
Why are they not really animal lovers? For the fundamental reason that they really don’t care to know where EVERY ANIMAL the reality-show-rescue that USES other peoples money to operate (the primary players at the pretend-rescue don’t have jobs, so they can’t operate their “rescue” unless fools send them money they don’t have to account for) they follow “rescues” ends up weeks, months, or a year after “rescue”.
The so-called “animal lovers” also don’t care to know if the animal is dead or alive once its been swallowed up by the “rescue”.
And most astonishing is the fact that all a person needs are two eyes and a normally functioning brain in order to determine that these “rescues” aren’t presenting the non-glamorous “reality” of rescue much of the time.
They are presenting entertainment, pretend, fantasy-fiction for the viewers enjoyment, and more importantly for people who have made their “careers rescuing, they provide fast-paced, ever-changing drama, emergencies, sympathy-eliciting stories for the primary purpose of loosening their followers purse strings.
The honest facts related to real rescuing are that its often intensive, hard work taking care of multiple animals, there isn’t usually drama and excitement every day, and real rescuers OFTEN work at non-rescue-related jobs in order to be the primary financial provider for the animals they have taken responsibility for so in the event that no donations or outside financial help came in at all, the animals would still have their critical needs met and the rescuers just wouldn’t be able to drive nicer vehicles (what are those?), get cosmetic surgery (for what reason? The animals don’t care what a person looks like), take vacations to exotic locales (vacations are so few and far between for real rescuers, they can’t remember the last time they “went someplace” on vacation), buy the trendy, expensive handbag or sunglasses (some really nice things can be found at thrift stores), etc.
Sure, the “addicted-ones” will tell people they “asked questions” of the “rescue”, however, their questions are OFTEN answered with vagueness by the animal dealers posing as a rescue with pretend answers such as “they were adopted”, “they’re in a foster home”, or “they’re at the trainers”, and golly-gosh, that’s good enough for the naive, ignorant, addicted chumps.
Far be it for them to ask for current photos and/or videos. And of course they never ask to see vet reports their reality-show-rescue should have because “every animal is examined by the vet upon intake”. So when a “bone is thrown” to these dumb, addicted people and the “rescue” periodically posts a vet report, or shows photos or videos of animals in their new home, well hot damn, they’ve been shown things and in their non-animal loving addicts minds, that’s good enough for them. Its good enough for these dumb people to the extent that even when a “rescue” has “rescued” hundreds of animals in a year that donation money paid for securing the animal and to pay for their on-going care, throwing the addicted morons a bone and showing a couple of photos, a video here and there, or a vet report is still good enough for them to not question where in the hell are ALL of the several hundred other animals?
These addicted buffoons, like addicts everywhere, aren’t going to rock that boat by pushing for answers to questions regarding hundreds of animals their favorite rescue “rescued” in a years time.
The reason they don’t ask in-depth questions they expect answers for?  Because addicts can’t take the chance their “supplier” the reality-show-rescue that keeps them entertained cuts them off from that entertainment, drama and camaraderie  they are addicted to. They sure as hell don’t want to be shunned, blocked, or even bullied and threatened by other addicted-follower-chumps.
Normally it wouldn’t be a big deal if people were/are addicted to a reality show because the players in the show are there of their own free will to make money, to get attention because many of them are narcissists, etc.
However, in the case of donation-funded reality-show-animal-rescue, the primary players, innocent animals USED as “donation-bait”, are being used and exploited in order for the scam-artists in animal rescue to earn obscene amounts of money they don’t have to account for because they always have multiple accounts people send money to, they love the accolades, and they love having brain-washed addicts to sic on anyone that is “giving them trouble” – you know, like the real animal lovers that keep pressing for answers regarding where rescued animals are, are they alive or dead, and if dead, where are the vet and euthanasia reports relating why the rescued animal that donations attained and are supposed to be used for their on-going care were killed?
'Why should I go out in the real world when I have so much reality TV?'
None of this will probably have an impact, or will change the behavior of the non-animal-loving addicts because they are lost to their addiction and most of them don’t think they need help.
This information is for the real animal lovers who are perhaps uncertain of what’s going on and are kind of sitting the fence on this issue.
Please do ALL of the “rescued animals” what could be a life-saving favor and have the courage to ask in-depth questions of “rescues” that say they are “transparent” and “an open book”. When they write stuff like that, a registered nonprofit MUST answer questions. It is unlawful for them not to.
Please be brave enough to pursue answers. Don’t let the bullies at the “rescue” and their addicted followers shout you down. Like bullies and mobs everywhere, they count on the fact that “you don’t want trouble” or “its not my problem” and you’ll leave them alone.
Its understandable to be afraid of being bullied, harassed, stalked, and maybe even threatened by mobs of addicted-followers.
Seriously, the fake rescues getting away with scamming isn’t totally their fault. After all, con-artists are the same everywhere and they’ve been around since humans have walked the Earth.
The people that are to blame for why these scams work are the naive, gullible, and yes, addicted people that so badly want to be a part of the “team”, and they have a need to be entertained at the expense of innocent animals because they are lacking something in their own lives and they live vicariously through the excitement the scammer’s provide them with every time they “tune-in” online.
All that being said however, the true victims are the animals that are being used for criminal and personal profit and gain by people portraying themselves as animal lovers and rescuers.
The innocent animals can’t defend themselves, they don’t have a voice, and its a horrible tragedy AND betrayal of the worst kind when they are used to gain money and then killed and disappeared like broken merchandise when the con-artists in rescue are done using them and need “fresh merchandise” (to sell while calling it “adoption”) and ‘donation-bait’ animals (you know, the ones that are paraded around as “donation-bait” even if they’re in pain)  to create drama out of so their addict-followers can get their “fix”.
Animal Rights1
If you really love animals, please don’t turn your back on them. Please don’t let the “bad actors” get away with playing the role of the victim that have so many “haters” out “to get them”. These women (few men) can turn on the waterworks any time, any place they need to in order to get sympathy from their addict-followers when all they really need to do is ANSWER QUESTIONS REGARDING WHERE ALL OF THE ANIMALS THEY RESCUED IN THE PAST YEAR USING DONATION MONEY ARE, AND ARE THEY ALIVE OR DEAD. Yes, it IS that simple. People that are organized enough to have multiple admin’s, many volunteers, they submit grant applications, they do photo ops and live video feeds, they have “teams” for everything you can think of, they enter contests, they have merchandise to buy of all different types, and on and on, are CERTAINLY organized enough to KNOW where every, single animal they “rescued” in the past year are, and are they alive or dead.
So don’t let them get away with any more fakery of them playing the victim/s because they are NOT. They use the pathetic victim role in order to distract people from pursuing answers, and the only victims when they are allowed to get away with their BS are the animals that are supposed to be safe in rescue, and often are not.
Instead of letting them “work you”, ask questions regarding where ALL of the animals a donation-funded rescue has “rescued” currently are weeks, months, and a year after the animal was rescued. Responsible rescues have that information and will also be happy to provide current date-stamped photos and/or videos of every single animal they rescued using donor money.
And if the animal is dead, responsible rescues will provide vet and euthanasia reports that relate why it was the option chosen.
Please be a Champion for rescued animals, don’t turn your back on them because some freak con-artists threaten you.
The so-called “rescued animals” are counting on real and true animal lovers to be their voice – especially if they have fallen into the hands of the new breed and trend in rescue of reality-show-rescues that have addicted followers that really don’t care what ultimately happens to the animals and are only interested in getting their excitement and entertainment “fix” in order to deal with their often mundane, boring lives.
Do Something1
One last thing if you decide to be a Champion for animals: start creating a paper trail of screengrabs and correspondence of you politely asking a donation-funded rescue questions regarding the animals they’ve “rescued” using donation money.
Their dodging, evasion to answering your questions, and lying will leave no doubt in the minds of investigators that somethings “hinkey” as you begin at the local level where the rescue is located and keep walking up the ladder to the regional, state, and federal complaint level if necessary.
Many people hit a brick wall at the local level when filing complaints because of “one hand washing the other”, incentives, friendships in law enforcement, etc.
So document everything, keep files so that when it is time to complain on behalf of the animals being used and disposed of, you can go beyond the local level, get beyond that corruption, and show investigators that you really did try to stay local with your concerns, but the almost incestuous local corruption was impossible to get past.
Do it for the animals because with reality-show-social-media-rescuing as the money-making trend the past several years using animals as “donation-bait”, there are thousands upon thousands of animals every year that are being USED and then eliminated like they never existed at all.
With true animal lovers help, the scammer-rescues can be exposed and eliminated, allowing the rescues that love animals to flourish…….but that won’t happen until real and true animal lovers unite, take a stand, and take action on behalf of all of the animals that need your help.

Drama-junkies Supporting Donation-Funded “Rescues-Kill Shelters” Are Guilty Of HEARTLESS Executions of Innocent”Rescued Animals”


All Life Matters

When to Euthanize — YesBiscuit Blog

In reading at the link above how making the decision to euthanize beloved animals is often the most difficult decision a loving animal owner will ever have to make, this is why it’s so disturbing that more and more for-profit animal “rescues”/”shelters” that are primarily, or entirely donation-fueled (that’s why they so disingenously pander to the naive, gullible, foolish people on social media with their OFTEN fictional-fantasy, lying stories of their “heroics” because if the public stopped sending them free money, their animal dealerships would fold) kill MANY healthy animals that are supposed to be safe-in-rescue just because:

1. They can’t sell/adopt the animal out for enough money to make it worth their time and money to warrent letting the animal live peacefully in rescue/sanctuary,

2. The rescued animal won’t sell quickly enough so that they can make room for more animals they can beg for “emergency donations” to ‘rescue’;

3. The animal may have mild NON-life threatening physical and/or behavioral issues that will hinder adopting them out with, or without a fee.


The current world of social media “retail rescue” functions off of the high volume, high turnover of animals going in and out of the “rescue-kill shelters”, and “crisis rescuing” which bring in the most money in donations from the naive, easily manipulated, donating public.

Mob Mentality

Drama-junkie, entertainment-addicted faux animal lovers in the rescue world tune-in to online social media “rescue” to be entertained, and an “emergency rescue” is orchastrated by the master manipulators at primarily, or entirely donation-fueled and funded “rescues” to play on the social-media-rescue-following publics heartstrings, and loosen their purse strings again, and again, and again like the mundane, daily, and ordinary tasks of everyday rescuing and daily care of animals never can.


The problem with this model of “rescuing” is that there MUST be crisis and a sense of immediacy of “we NEED YOUR MONEY NOW so we can rescue these poor animals” in order for the FREE donation money to keep flowing in to the for-profit retail rescues coffers.

In fact, this accounts for a huge portion of their income stream and monthly nut.

However, what’s a retail rescue to do with the reality of them accumulating more, and more, and more animals that they can’t sell quickly, or can’t sell at all, can’t find foster homes for to get the animals off their feed and maintenance bills that designated donations are raised to cover, can’t get rid of animals that don’t want to die, but badly want to live?


You kill healthy animals, and then convince the foolish, entertainment-addicted public that you had “no other choice” because the animal “had issues”, all while NOT SHOWING VET REPORTS AND EUTHANASIA REPORTS that show WHY and HOW the animal was euthanized/KILLED/EXECUTED.

asking questions5

It’s an interesting and tragic phenomenon when so many in the public are so quick to follow blindly along when a donation-fueled “rescue” kills animals “they say” ‘needed to die’ in a supposed mercy-killing, but when asked for documentation that illustrates the WHY’S and HOW’S of the killing, they:

*refuse to answer,

*or they are evasive in their answers,

*or they are aggressive and combative in their answers,

*or they sic their thug keyboard-bully followers on anyone that dares to care enough about animals to ask questions

of WHY animals that had thousands of dollars sent in by generous people in the public to rescue them end up being DEAD by:

*chemical euthanasia,



*or disappeared into the black hole of “de-valued animals” that exhausted their “donation-value” have a way of doing.


The trend of people going along with the killings of rescued animals that had donation-money sent in through various unregulated, unaccountable means of payment appears to be hitting it’s peak as more people become suspicious of “rescue-kill shelters” who beg and plead for donation money as new “crisis rescues” appear constantly……….

…..but there are still people that follow the for-profit retail rescues for the entertainment-value that think anything the “rescue sez” is just dandy, which effectively makes the often phony ‘rescues’ asshole enabler followers JUST AS RESPONSIBLE for the KILLING of animals that are supposed to be “rescued and safe”.

These shallow, stupid supporters may have just as well killed the innocent animals themselves, with the poisoned syringe and needle in their grubby hands, or a smoking gun and blood explosions as yet another healthy animal that wants to live, dies instead.

Pathological Liar8

For those idiotic, heartless, cruel people that go along with the de-valuing of the lives of animals just like your favorite rescues tell you you should:

*you are traitors and betrayors,

*and your shit attitudes in the de-valuing of lives just because you’re too drama-addicted and stupid to realize that YOU, just like the so-called ‘rescued animals’, are props, and pawns, and cogs in a wheel that are being USED to power the enabling of a for-profit animal dealership posing as a “rescue” to buy, sell, barter, trade, and KILL animals when their usefulness is OVER.

YOUR willfully clueless behavior is not going un-noticed by those who are determined to put a stop to the wholesale killing of animals by the money-grubbing serial killers of animals.

Innocent, gentle animals are supposed to be rescued with thousands of dollars of donation money sent in for that purpose.

Instead, MANY are being callously and cruelly killed after their value in bringing in FREE MONEY for the narcissists and sociopaths in social media crisis-rescuing is over.

Crisis-rescue-junkies — keep up your mindless, moronic, junkie-behavior and it will be too late to disassociate yourself from your favorite scammy donation-fueled “rescue-kill shelter” that kills animals and that will be exposed, it’s just a matter of time.

They wouldn’t get away with their despicable killing behavior if YOU weren’t enabling them by being:

*a dumb groupie and cheerleader,

*a donor,

*an excuse-maker,

*and a keyboard-bully attacking people that ask reasonable questions,

for the primary reasons that YOU want to be entertained (to relieve the boredom of your purposeless life?)

*you live vicariously through other people and their manic, mentally unbalanced behavior

and you for some sad reason also pathetically have the NEED to belong.

Animal Rights1

You can still redeem yourself and help stop the killing of innocent animals that are supposed to be “safe in rescue”…..really, you can.

All you have to do is:

*admit that talented scam – artists operating on social media managed to fool you with their puffery, misrepresentation, embellishments, and blatant, pathological LYING,

*think for yourself,

*don’t be afraid of not belonging to a killing team, a murderous village, a heathen tribe,

*and care enough about animals to ask questions,

*and if/WHEN  logical, concise answers are NOT forth-coming,

*you will file complaints with organizations and agencies that will get answers one way or another in order to,

*protect “rescued animals” from being USED, BETRAYED, and KILLED by those running con-games posing as rescuers in DONATION-FUELED rescue.


It IS that easy to become a hero for animals,

to be their voice,

EXPOSING those that will never stop exploiting them,

until YOU,

and YOU,

and thousands of YOU’s,

come together in harmony and love

to STOP the greedy, self-absorbed conscience-LESS traitors,

from hurting and killing animals,

with no questions asked and answered,

UNLESS and UNTIL they are persistently demanded.

sheeple people2

Oh, and by-the-way, those people that are on the Board of Directors or are Officers in these “rescues” that wantonly and callously KILL healthy, innocent animals that are supposed to be “safe in rescue” that were “rescued” USING DONATED FUNDS?

You may think you can plead ignorance and innocence regarding the misuse of donated funds AND the KILLING of healthy, innocent rescued animals.

However, YOU are supposed to be the “checks and balances” that help keep people HONEST and doing the unselfish work of NONPROFIT animal rescue.

Unfortunately, narcissistic, manipulative, sociopathic people are OFTEN only “into” animal rescue for the free money flowing in, the free animals they attain USING other peoples money that they can sell, and the accolades whereby animals in need are mere props, pawns, and a vehicle to celebrity and attention.

When you do suspect shady and/or illegal activities, or are suspicious of WHY so many animals are being killed, or are simply disappearing at an alarming rate and your questions go unanswered, or if you are the Treasurer in charge of the finances for the nonprofit and you’re unable to balance the books and/or are having difficulty figuring out what donation money is being spent on, IF you possess a conscience, or IF you have a sense of self-preservation, you would be well advised to distance yourself from questionable dealings and a rescue that is not as it appears.

Taking it an ethical step farther, whistle blowing may be in order to protect animals, and protect yourself, for the simple reason that when the domino’s begin to topple, even “if” you are an honest, ethical person, YOU will be painted with the same broad, tainted brush as the crooks and criminals because you didn’t say a word about the bad things that were happening at the “rescue” you were involved with.




Lyin’, Lying, Pathological Liars Operating in Donation-Funded FOR-PROFIT Animal Rescue – Kill Shelters

AKA – They kill and disappear innocent animals, don’t they?


Everyone watches the vile pattern of behavior unfold, as many primarily, or entirely donation-funded animal rescues-kill shelters, that are no better than generational welfare (FREE money) recipients workin’-it in the unregulated free-for-all that is the social media arena, attain more, and more, and more animals using donation money, and then refuse to tell the public WHERE IN THE HELL ARE ALL OF THE ANIMALS DISAPPEARING TOO and/or WHY ARE YOU KILLING RESCUED ANIMALS WITHOUT SHOWING VET REPORTS DETAILING WHY THE ANIMAL MUST BE PUT-DOWN?!?!?

It begs the question “why isn’t the concerned animal loving public doing more to get answers regarding the WHEREABOUTS of animals that are supposed to be safe at rescues that attained the animals through the USE of donation money?”


Here’s why, and if you don’t believe this is a primary reason people don’t pursue answers, go ahead and ask questions of your favorite donation-funded rescue that attains a lot of animals whose whereabouts are unknown mere days or months from when they were rescued:

ALL of the donation-funded “rescues” that tend to attain a lot of animals, but then won’t account for EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM after being attained with donated funds, have “enablers” and cult-members ready and willing to go on the attack on behalf of their gurus at the rescue – kill shelter they are ignorant followers of.

These nasty, vicious, chump followers can be counted on to go on the attack on people that ask simple, concise, straight-forward questions that honest rescues using donated funds to rescue and take care of animals will happily answer.

It’s quite easy to separate the real and good donation-funded animal rescues from the shady ones, that often are lowlife animal dealers posing as “rescues”;

all one needs to do is ask straight-forward, targeted questions and see if they readily answer, or instead they go into evasion-mode, they sic their brainwashed, idiotic, but vicious like a rabid dog cult followers on you, you have bogus false reports filed against you by “anonymous complainants, and other equally nasty things occur suddenly.

These sub-humans can be counted on to bully, threaten, belittle, defame, threaten, stalk, and even call in “false reports” (which is ILLEGAL by the way) to taxpayer-funded government agencies.

This is a quote from an expert on stalking:

“Organized Gang Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a person’s life so they will:

have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide.

This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment.

It is a “ganging up” by members of the community, and via the Internet, who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.

Organized gang stalking can involve a group in the hundreds to thousands harassing a single person or family 24/7. The victim is stalked en masse by car, foot, bike, air and Internet in order alienate and isolate the victim. 

The goals of gang stalking are to:

Provoke the victim to assault someone and get arrested; 

Make the victim seem delusional/ mentally ill (see “gaslighting”);

Make the victim so depressed they become suicidal. 

Tactics used are relentless color harassment, noise harassment, air harassment, hand signals, electronic monitoring inside the home and car (complete invasion of privacy; 

redirecting of phone calls, emails, postal mail),

via social media, workplace mobbing, “directed conversation” and innuendo,

erratic/ aggressive driving, bizarre/rude/bullying behavior in the community, and much more.

This is extreme criminal activity that is becoming more common and needs to be outlawed.”

As more and more animal lovers donate and support rescues from afar (they follow the rescue via social media because they live hundreds, if not thousands of miles away – and if not for social media they do their carnie-fund-raising on to finagle money out of naive “marks”, MOST of these “retail rescues” wouldn’t even be in business – whereby they are not at the rescue facility to keep track of where the rescued animals are, more and more of these people are asking targeted questions regarding the “rescued animals” whereabouts and wellbeing.

Additionally, people are asking for documentation such as:

*vet reports that fundraisers were run to pay for veterinary services for the rescued animals,

*vet reports and euthanasia reports describing WHY an animal HAD to be put down,

*itemized vet bills for each particular horse the “rescue says” their vet is looking at, examining, and evaluating,

*number of animals rescued in the past year and current, date – stamped photos of the animals showing their condition,

*numbers of adoptions in the previous month featuring current photos of the animals in their new home,

*receipts for vet care,

*feed for animals,

*body disposal bills.

Very telling is when a primarily, or entirely donation-funded (as opposed to a primarily, or entirely self-funded animal rescue whose operators pay for everything, or most everything pertaining to the rescue with their own money) animal rescue becomes evasive, refuses to answer simple questions and provide documentation they should have.

A huge red flag is when the rescues true believer cult followers begin assaulting people asking questions by bullying, belittling, threatening, stalking, using foul, inappropriate language, name calling, and also calling in false reports to taxpayer-funded government agencies (illegal, but this happens A LOT).

If, or when this happens, the person being assaulted should start collecting screenshots of the lack of answers to their questions posed to the rescue, and also of the assaults by thug-followers of the “rescue” ‘gang bullying”, which will be sent to various law enforcement and other government agencies such as the Attorney Generals and Secretary of States offices that are in charge of investigating nonprofit animal rescues, along with detailed written complaints.

If more animal lovers would follow-through regarding asking questions that are supposed to be rescued, and also file complaints to the appropriate government agencies regarding animals that are supposed to be “rescued and safe” uthrough the use of asked for, and received “designated donations”, there would/will be far fewer “bad apple opportunist rescues” out for personal profit and gain USING animals as “props” and “bait”, and the rescues doing real rescue that they are not profiting and gaining from would get more much needed support.

Be sure to also include the entire Board of Directors for the rescue because even if unaware of wrongdoing, they are just as culpable as the people doing the shady and/or illegal activities at the rescue.

The Board of Directors are supposed to act as “checks and balances” for the rescue, so even if they aren’t “hands on” at the rescue, they are still supposed to be aware of the operations at the rescue.

Animal lovers in the public:

Don’t be sucked in, and become addicted to the entertain, excitment, and drama  that is spoon-fed to you by showboating, reality show-type animal rescues that are often operated by extreme narcissists, “puffers”, pathological liars, and even sociopaths that mostly care about themselves and not anything, or anyone else.

Real and honest animal rescue is not fireworks and drama – instead, the real, everyday rescuing and caring for rescued animals are labors of love, and is often about as exciting and entertaining as watching grass grow or paint dry.

In other words, don’t be the fool that’s born everyday and fall for what the opportunists and connivers in donation-funded rescue are trying to sell you in the form of drama and entertainment that you can live vicariously through them to rev-up the somewhat mundane daily life you lead.

True animal lovers couldn’t care less about being entertained, or living vicariously through the “actors” in donation-funded animal rescue because their primary concern and bottom-line is ALWAYS for the animals that are rescued, and also WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM AFTER THEY ARE RESCUED, so the manic antics of the “rescuers” at a reality-show-type “rescue” is mere distraction and smoke-and-mirrors designed to distract and deceive.






The MOVEMENT of ASKING QUESTIONS that any and all HONEST and ETHICAL donation-funded animal rescues can and will answer is finally picking up speed and the numbers are growing of people that simply won’t support or donate to animal rescues that won’t answer their questions.

And when professionals people in the media that are vested with asking questions, checking facts, verifying, and writing and reporting facts to the PUBLIC can’t be counted on to DO THEIR JOBS honestly and ethically, then it IS up to the PUBLIC to expose THEM and demand they report FACTUALLY or


THEN the public WILL DO THEIR JOBS FOR THEM and THE PUBLIC WILL ASK the “reported on” animal rescue THE QUESTIONS the “journalist” didn’t ask for whatever reasons they had besides being lethargic, lazy, clueless, or *maybe* having a more shady agenda that involves helping some donation-funded rescues collect money they operate off of, pay their personal bills, buy their personal items, etc, which is ILLEGAL.

When intelligent animal lovers that have the ability to reason, and also *may* have factual information regarding a rescue that is the polar opposite of what is written by a hack, read yet another sappy “fluff piece” that is an over-flowing toilet of embellishment and lies, it not only INSULTS their intelligence and astonishes that the author calls themselves a “journalist”, it also disturbs them when numbers are tossed around cavalierly of animals that have been killed by the rescue (as if their lives didn’t matter).

 And when even more numbers are carelessly thrown about of dollar amounts that many people don’t make actually WORKING in a year, let alone a month – (a double-standard because unlike donation-funded animal rescues, mere mortals in “the public” are scrutinized by the IRS, but MOST donation-funded animal rescues are NOT because there isn’t much OVERSIGHT currently)- with no accountability of exactly WHAT all that money is really being spent on, they CONTACT that “reporter” (term used very loosely), and their editor too, and they ask THEM the questions that should have been asked of the rescue by the “reporter”.


and unless “reporters” and “journalists” are called-on-the-carpet and clued-in to some real, honest to goodness facts, they’ll continue to write fiction and fantasy that is not remotely the reality.


ASKING QUESTIONS and expecting answers should be “the norm” in donation-funded animal rescue to keep donation-funded rescues HONEST about the FREE $$$ they ASK for and receive, and also keep them ethical and moral regarding WHAT HAPPENS TO ALL OF THE ANIMALS they’re “rescuing”.

But because asking questions and expecting answers is not “the norm”, and “journalists/reporters” can’t or won’t DO THEIR JOBS and instead treat “the public” like a bunch of morons, “the public” will have to make it “the new normal”  to ASK QUESTIONS and EXPECT ANSWERS from DONATION-FUNDED ANIMAL RESCUES that currently have little-to-NO OVERSIGHT.

Asking Questions and Expecting Answers can and will SAVE ANIMALS LIVES, but you have to “ASK and EXPECT” to make SAVING LIVES a REALITY for innocent and trusting animals at donation-funded animal rescues so they don’t end up as the next casualty of  a “for-profit” “Retail Rescue”.

Sheeple people1

Intelligent, devoted animal lovers that are NOT mere tag-along followers DO ask questions and they EXPECT answers to those questions.

In other words, they are NOT mindless SHEEPLE!

So if they don’t get answers, they don’t support or donate to those rescues.

Every day now, based on comments in articles, blog posts, social media, message boards, etc, more people that possess compassion and believe animal rescue is about rescueare not donating unless or until donation-funded animal “rescues” ANSWER THEIR QUESTIONS FIRST, then the money *may* be forthcoming.


BEFORE THEY DONATE A PENNY, they are ASKING the “rescue”:

1.  “Does your organization have enough of your OWN MONEY to not only “rescue”, seize, take in, or buy animals

2.  but additionally does your organization also have enough of your OWN MONEY to care for and maintain the “rescued” animals for weeks, or months, or maybe even years if they “have issues” if for some reason donations and grant money dry-up for any reasons,

3. and are you willing to show documentation and photos of the animals you already have at your facility, in foster care, or at a “quarantine facility”,

4. are you willing to show the amount of donations coming in

5. and show where the monies are being spent

6. so that the public knows you’re using free donation-money responsibly, ethically, legally and morally,

7. because if you ever KILL animals just because no one else wants them AFTER you’ve supposedly “rescued them”,

8. and your “rescue” refuses to take full responsibility for those animals the PUBLIC helped you rescue through donation money and/or material goods

9. then your “rescue” is BETRAYING animals you got publicity for supposedly “rescuing”, that you made money off of through donations, and also profited from the ones you were able to sell

10. but KILLING or “disappearing” USELESS animals you just don’t want to care for and maintain because they have “issues”, or you have to dispose of “old merchandise animals” to make room for “new merchandise animals” IS NOT RESCUE!


So now that brings us to the question of “when a primarily, or wholly donation-funded animal rescue doesn’t have enough of their own money to care for and maintain animals at least at the basics of care, and RELY’S entirely, or almost entirely, on the public, other organizations giving them grant money, and also the receiving of FREE material goods they often use to take care of their own personal animals, what would they be called?

BINGO! That’s right, they could, and might, be called HOARDERS!

Just like the donation-funded “rescues” that do seizures on animal owners animals always call animal owners that keep putting one foot in front of the other caring for their animals, even if it isn’t in the most beautiful, pristine of accommodations, and even IF their animals *may* be underfed but are NOT being “starved” (that old hot-button word used to amp people up into MOBS) but at least the animal owners are USING THEIR OWN MONEY to pay for things and aren’t “panhandling for dollars” like these donation-funded rescues do…….. sometimes on a daily basis.


Moral Obligation2

All animal lovers that support donation-funded animal rescues have a MORAL OBLIGATION to CARE about WHAT HAPPENS to ALL of the animals AFTER they are supposedly “rescued” using donation (other peoples) money to do the rescuing.

Word travels fast on the Internet, information is read and absorbed, and smart, compassionate people who think for themselves ARE taking this MORAL OBLIGATION and RESPONSIBILITY to the “rescued animals” AFTER they are “rescued” seriously because killing animals for CALLOUS reasons such as they aren’t useful and/or killing them because they aren’t selling and are taking up space and costing money to care for them is just plain barbaric and WRONG.

Devoted animal lovers have their reasonable questions directed to donation-funded-rescues go UNANSWERED.

 They ask:

* “WHERE are ALL of the animals you rescued in the past year

* “WHERE is all the donation-money you received being spent?”

*They begin to wonder “why won’t that animal rescue answer my questions?”

“What are they hiding?”

“Now I really am wondering if the animals they rescued really are O.K.”

Its easy enough to only be able to “rescue” long-distance, but be supportive over the Internet, maybe send some money to an animal rescue, and let someone else do the “hands-on heavy-lifting”.

But what if that hands-on heavy lifting includes “the rescue” KILLING and disposing of animals that were supposed to be SAFE?

The animal WANTS to LIVE?

but because they have “issues”,

they can’t be sold (“adopted”),

they can’t be given away because no one wants them,

and the “rescue” that has them doesn’t want to be responsible for caring for and maintain them??

Tragically, that scenario ends far too often in the “3-D’s” –  death, “disappearing”, and disposal.

It is certainly acknowledged by many staunch animal lovers, rescuers, and animal welfare advocates that sometimes animals really do need to be euthanized if they are suffering badly, are mortally wounded, can’t lay down and get back up in the case of large animals people can’t just help them up as is the case with even a large dog, if the animal has stopped eating and drinking and is not resuming eating and drinking for days and shows no interest in resuming, is not responding to medication, etc, etc.

However, when animal rescues “say” they are “transparent”, the least they can do is publicly provide information backing-up their assessments and statements i.e. veterinary reports and billings, euthanasia reports and billings, body disposal billing, videos of the animal before euthanasia, etc, instead of “speaking for their vet” and “saying” things that may, but sometimes/often are NOT TRUE


“what’s happening” when it is a donation-funded rescue that is in a sector that is a HOT-BED of SCAMS because of the RETAIL RESCUE “OPPORTUNISTS” fleecing the public and pulling the wool over their eyes sometimes on a daily basis.

How difficult is it for them to post factual written, photographic, and video information?


If they won’t, something fishy is going on, especially if simple questions meet with bullying, harassment, threats, attacks, etc by the “rescues” True Believer minions that don’t know how to think for themselves and “follow orders” in lock-step on command by their “sheeple-handlers” at the “rescue”.


Since government agencies, and also journalists and reporters aren’t taking a significant interest in “policing” donation-funded animal rescues, there are now “retail rescues” operating all over the world exploiting animals, playing on peoples emotions, and making money hand-over-fist.

But don’t be fooled: they are nothing more than animal traders, dealers, and flippers posing as rescues, and because of the



 Many animal lovers that support donation-funded animal rescues feel they have a MORAL OBLIGATION to CARE about WHAT HAPPENS to ALL of the animals AFTER they are supposedly “rescued” using donation (other peoples) money to do the rescuing.

Because of their compassion for animals and their belief that questions asked SHOULD be answered, they are JOINING THE MOVEMENT of ASKING QUESTIONS and EXPECTING ANSWERS so they can be sure they are supporting and donating to a legitimate, accountable, honest, transparent donation-funded rescue and NOT a “retail rescue” that illegally uses money and kills and “disappears” animals.

Word travels fast on the Internet, information is read and absorbed, and smart, compassionate people who think for themselves ARE taking this MORAL OBLIGATION and RESPONSIBILITY to the “rescued animals” AFTER they are “rescued” seriously because killing animals just because they aren’t useful and/or killing them because they aren’t selling and are taking up space and costing money to care for them is just plain barbaric and WRONG.

Please take the time it takes to weed-out the dishonest donation-funded animal rescues that are actually “retail rescues”.

ASK QUESTIONS such as what are shown in the questionnaire below.

Or better yet, send the donation-funded rescues the questionnaire and see if they respond with answers.

Whether they respond to your questions, or not, you’ll be in a much better position to make decisions on which rescues to support and send donations too, and which to ignore, and also possibly file complaints with the states Attorney General’s office.
