INTERVENTION — Reality Show Rescue Addicts – How YOU Are Killing the Animals

This is an Intervention.
It probably won’t work, but for the sake of innocent animals, we must at least try.
Unfortunately, social media has made fundraising, marketing, and PR free and easy for donation-funded “welfare animal rescues”.
We are not speaking of the welfare of animals, oh no, far from it. Instead, these “rescues” are exactly like welfare recipients that supposedly “can’t find a job” and/or like scammers that say they can’t work but they are not disabled. Since they are often really good actors, they have fake accidents with them playing the part of the victim – i.e. the “slip and fall accident” is the classic “accident” and one that most everyone has heard of. The scam-artists “work the system” committing fraud and collecting as much free money as they can before starting in with other scams.
Some, perhaps many of the operators of animal rescues are the garden-variety con-artists that have come out of their holes because there are literally MILLIONS of “marks” and “addicts” on social media they can con money out of using animals as “the hook” and “donation-bait”.
They use and exploit animals AND gullible people who literally become addicted to reality-show-fakery as their primary source of entertainment (these people must live pathetically sad, miserable, boring little lives to be sucked-in by the players that run these scams).
People that follow these “rescues” that assuredly aren’t animal rights or animal welfare rescues unless “rescuing” animals includes conning money out of people and then disposing of animals “wherever”, are NOT animal lovers even though they may actually believe they are.
Why are they not really animal lovers? For the fundamental reason that they really don’t care to know where EVERY ANIMAL the reality-show-rescue that USES other peoples money to operate (the primary players at the pretend-rescue don’t have jobs, so they can’t operate their “rescue” unless fools send them money they don’t have to account for) they follow “rescues” ends up weeks, months, or a year after “rescue”.
The so-called “animal lovers” also don’t care to know if the animal is dead or alive once its been swallowed up by the “rescue”.
And most astonishing is the fact that all a person needs are two eyes and a normally functioning brain in order to determine that these “rescues” aren’t presenting the non-glamorous “reality” of rescue much of the time.
They are presenting entertainment, pretend, fantasy-fiction for the viewers enjoyment, and more importantly for people who have made their “careers rescuing, they provide fast-paced, ever-changing drama, emergencies, sympathy-eliciting stories for the primary purpose of loosening their followers purse strings.
The honest facts related to real rescuing are that its often intensive, hard work taking care of multiple animals, there isn’t usually drama and excitement every day, and real rescuers OFTEN work at non-rescue-related jobs in order to be the primary financial provider for the animals they have taken responsibility for so in the event that no donations or outside financial help came in at all, the animals would still have their critical needs met and the rescuers just wouldn’t be able to drive nicer vehicles (what are those?), get cosmetic surgery (for what reason? The animals don’t care what a person looks like), take vacations to exotic locales (vacations are so few and far between for real rescuers, they can’t remember the last time they “went someplace” on vacation), buy the trendy, expensive handbag or sunglasses (some really nice things can be found at thrift stores), etc.
Sure, the “addicted-ones” will tell people they “asked questions” of the “rescue”, however, their questions are OFTEN answered with vagueness by the animal dealers posing as a rescue with pretend answers such as “they were adopted”, “they’re in a foster home”, or “they’re at the trainers”, and golly-gosh, that’s good enough for the naive, ignorant, addicted chumps.
Far be it for them to ask for current photos and/or videos. And of course they never ask to see vet reports their reality-show-rescue should have because “every animal is examined by the vet upon intake”. So when a “bone is thrown” to these dumb, addicted people and the “rescue” periodically posts a vet report, or shows photos or videos of animals in their new home, well hot damn, they’ve been shown things and in their non-animal loving addicts minds, that’s good enough for them. Its good enough for these dumb people to the extent that even when a “rescue” has “rescued” hundreds of animals in a year that donation money paid for securing the animal and to pay for their on-going care, throwing the addicted morons a bone and showing a couple of photos, a video here and there, or a vet report is still good enough for them to not question where in the hell are ALL of the several hundred other animals?
These addicted buffoons, like addicts everywhere, aren’t going to rock that boat by pushing for answers to questions regarding hundreds of animals their favorite rescue “rescued” in a years time.
The reason they don’t ask in-depth questions they expect answers for?  Because addicts can’t take the chance their “supplier” the reality-show-rescue that keeps them entertained cuts them off from that entertainment, drama and camaraderie  they are addicted to. They sure as hell don’t want to be shunned, blocked, or even bullied and threatened by other addicted-follower-chumps.
Normally it wouldn’t be a big deal if people were/are addicted to a reality show because the players in the show are there of their own free will to make money, to get attention because many of them are narcissists, etc.
However, in the case of donation-funded reality-show-animal-rescue, the primary players, innocent animals USED as “donation-bait”, are being used and exploited in order for the scam-artists in animal rescue to earn obscene amounts of money they don’t have to account for because they always have multiple accounts people send money to, they love the accolades, and they love having brain-washed addicts to sic on anyone that is “giving them trouble” – you know, like the real animal lovers that keep pressing for answers regarding where rescued animals are, are they alive or dead, and if dead, where are the vet and euthanasia reports relating why the rescued animal that donations attained and are supposed to be used for their on-going care were killed?
'Why should I go out in the real world when I have so much reality TV?'
None of this will probably have an impact, or will change the behavior of the non-animal-loving addicts because they are lost to their addiction and most of them don’t think they need help.
This information is for the real animal lovers who are perhaps uncertain of what’s going on and are kind of sitting the fence on this issue.
Please do ALL of the “rescued animals” what could be a life-saving favor and have the courage to ask in-depth questions of “rescues” that say they are “transparent” and “an open book”. When they write stuff like that, a registered nonprofit MUST answer questions. It is unlawful for them not to.
Please be brave enough to pursue answers. Don’t let the bullies at the “rescue” and their addicted followers shout you down. Like bullies and mobs everywhere, they count on the fact that “you don’t want trouble” or “its not my problem” and you’ll leave them alone.
Its understandable to be afraid of being bullied, harassed, stalked, and maybe even threatened by mobs of addicted-followers.
Seriously, the fake rescues getting away with scamming isn’t totally their fault. After all, con-artists are the same everywhere and they’ve been around since humans have walked the Earth.
The people that are to blame for why these scams work are the naive, gullible, and yes, addicted people that so badly want to be a part of the “team”, and they have a need to be entertained at the expense of innocent animals because they are lacking something in their own lives and they live vicariously through the excitement the scammer’s provide them with every time they “tune-in” online.
All that being said however, the true victims are the animals that are being used for criminal and personal profit and gain by people portraying themselves as animal lovers and rescuers.
The innocent animals can’t defend themselves, they don’t have a voice, and its a horrible tragedy AND betrayal of the worst kind when they are used to gain money and then killed and disappeared like broken merchandise when the con-artists in rescue are done using them and need “fresh merchandise” (to sell while calling it “adoption”) and ‘donation-bait’ animals (you know, the ones that are paraded around as “donation-bait” even if they’re in pain)  to create drama out of so their addict-followers can get their “fix”.
Animal Rights1
If you really love animals, please don’t turn your back on them. Please don’t let the “bad actors” get away with playing the role of the victim that have so many “haters” out “to get them”. These women (few men) can turn on the waterworks any time, any place they need to in order to get sympathy from their addict-followers when all they really need to do is ANSWER QUESTIONS REGARDING WHERE ALL OF THE ANIMALS THEY RESCUED IN THE PAST YEAR USING DONATION MONEY ARE, AND ARE THEY ALIVE OR DEAD. Yes, it IS that simple. People that are organized enough to have multiple admin’s, many volunteers, they submit grant applications, they do photo ops and live video feeds, they have “teams” for everything you can think of, they enter contests, they have merchandise to buy of all different types, and on and on, are CERTAINLY organized enough to KNOW where every, single animal they “rescued” in the past year are, and are they alive or dead.
So don’t let them get away with any more fakery of them playing the victim/s because they are NOT. They use the pathetic victim role in order to distract people from pursuing answers, and the only victims when they are allowed to get away with their BS are the animals that are supposed to be safe in rescue, and often are not.
Instead of letting them “work you”, ask questions regarding where ALL of the animals a donation-funded rescue has “rescued” currently are weeks, months, and a year after the animal was rescued. Responsible rescues have that information and will also be happy to provide current date-stamped photos and/or videos of every single animal they rescued using donor money.
And if the animal is dead, responsible rescues will provide vet and euthanasia reports that relate why it was the option chosen.
Please be a Champion for rescued animals, don’t turn your back on them because some freak con-artists threaten you.
The so-called “rescued animals” are counting on real and true animal lovers to be their voice – especially if they have fallen into the hands of the new breed and trend in rescue of reality-show-rescues that have addicted followers that really don’t care what ultimately happens to the animals and are only interested in getting their excitement and entertainment “fix” in order to deal with their often mundane, boring lives.
Do Something1
One last thing if you decide to be a Champion for animals: start creating a paper trail of screengrabs and correspondence of you politely asking a donation-funded rescue questions regarding the animals they’ve “rescued” using donation money.
Their dodging, evasion to answering your questions, and lying will leave no doubt in the minds of investigators that somethings “hinkey” as you begin at the local level where the rescue is located and keep walking up the ladder to the regional, state, and federal complaint level if necessary.
Many people hit a brick wall at the local level when filing complaints because of “one hand washing the other”, incentives, friendships in law enforcement, etc.
So document everything, keep files so that when it is time to complain on behalf of the animals being used and disposed of, you can go beyond the local level, get beyond that corruption, and show investigators that you really did try to stay local with your concerns, but the almost incestuous local corruption was impossible to get past.
Do it for the animals because with reality-show-social-media-rescuing as the money-making trend the past several years using animals as “donation-bait”, there are thousands upon thousands of animals every year that are being USED and then eliminated like they never existed at all.
With true animal lovers help, the scammer-rescues can be exposed and eliminated, allowing the rescues that love animals to flourish…….but that won’t happen until real and true animal lovers unite, take a stand, and take action on behalf of all of the animals that need your help.

Drama-junkies Supporting Donation-Funded “Rescues-Kill Shelters” Are Guilty Of HEARTLESS Executions of Innocent”Rescued Animals”


All Life Matters

When to Euthanize — YesBiscuit Blog

In reading at the link above how making the decision to euthanize beloved animals is often the most difficult decision a loving animal owner will ever have to make, this is why it’s so disturbing that more and more for-profit animal “rescues”/”shelters” that are primarily, or entirely donation-fueled (that’s why they so disingenously pander to the naive, gullible, foolish people on social media with their OFTEN fictional-fantasy, lying stories of their “heroics” because if the public stopped sending them free money, their animal dealerships would fold) kill MANY healthy animals that are supposed to be safe-in-rescue just because:

1. They can’t sell/adopt the animal out for enough money to make it worth their time and money to warrent letting the animal live peacefully in rescue/sanctuary,

2. The rescued animal won’t sell quickly enough so that they can make room for more animals they can beg for “emergency donations” to ‘rescue’;

3. The animal may have mild NON-life threatening physical and/or behavioral issues that will hinder adopting them out with, or without a fee.


The current world of social media “retail rescue” functions off of the high volume, high turnover of animals going in and out of the “rescue-kill shelters”, and “crisis rescuing” which bring in the most money in donations from the naive, easily manipulated, donating public.

Mob Mentality

Drama-junkie, entertainment-addicted faux animal lovers in the rescue world tune-in to online social media “rescue” to be entertained, and an “emergency rescue” is orchastrated by the master manipulators at primarily, or entirely donation-fueled and funded “rescues” to play on the social-media-rescue-following publics heartstrings, and loosen their purse strings again, and again, and again like the mundane, daily, and ordinary tasks of everyday rescuing and daily care of animals never can.


The problem with this model of “rescuing” is that there MUST be crisis and a sense of immediacy of “we NEED YOUR MONEY NOW so we can rescue these poor animals” in order for the FREE donation money to keep flowing in to the for-profit retail rescues coffers.

In fact, this accounts for a huge portion of their income stream and monthly nut.

However, what’s a retail rescue to do with the reality of them accumulating more, and more, and more animals that they can’t sell quickly, or can’t sell at all, can’t find foster homes for to get the animals off their feed and maintenance bills that designated donations are raised to cover, can’t get rid of animals that don’t want to die, but badly want to live?


You kill healthy animals, and then convince the foolish, entertainment-addicted public that you had “no other choice” because the animal “had issues”, all while NOT SHOWING VET REPORTS AND EUTHANASIA REPORTS that show WHY and HOW the animal was euthanized/KILLED/EXECUTED.

asking questions5

It’s an interesting and tragic phenomenon when so many in the public are so quick to follow blindly along when a donation-fueled “rescue” kills animals “they say” ‘needed to die’ in a supposed mercy-killing, but when asked for documentation that illustrates the WHY’S and HOW’S of the killing, they:

*refuse to answer,

*or they are evasive in their answers,

*or they are aggressive and combative in their answers,

*or they sic their thug keyboard-bully followers on anyone that dares to care enough about animals to ask questions

of WHY animals that had thousands of dollars sent in by generous people in the public to rescue them end up being DEAD by:

*chemical euthanasia,



*or disappeared into the black hole of “de-valued animals” that exhausted their “donation-value” have a way of doing.


The trend of people going along with the killings of rescued animals that had donation-money sent in through various unregulated, unaccountable means of payment appears to be hitting it’s peak as more people become suspicious of “rescue-kill shelters” who beg and plead for donation money as new “crisis rescues” appear constantly……….

…..but there are still people that follow the for-profit retail rescues for the entertainment-value that think anything the “rescue sez” is just dandy, which effectively makes the often phony ‘rescues’ asshole enabler followers JUST AS RESPONSIBLE for the KILLING of animals that are supposed to be “rescued and safe”.

These shallow, stupid supporters may have just as well killed the innocent animals themselves, with the poisoned syringe and needle in their grubby hands, or a smoking gun and blood explosions as yet another healthy animal that wants to live, dies instead.

Pathological Liar8

For those idiotic, heartless, cruel people that go along with the de-valuing of the lives of animals just like your favorite rescues tell you you should:

*you are traitors and betrayors,

*and your shit attitudes in the de-valuing of lives just because you’re too drama-addicted and stupid to realize that YOU, just like the so-called ‘rescued animals’, are props, and pawns, and cogs in a wheel that are being USED to power the enabling of a for-profit animal dealership posing as a “rescue” to buy, sell, barter, trade, and KILL animals when their usefulness is OVER.

YOUR willfully clueless behavior is not going un-noticed by those who are determined to put a stop to the wholesale killing of animals by the money-grubbing serial killers of animals.

Innocent, gentle animals are supposed to be rescued with thousands of dollars of donation money sent in for that purpose.

Instead, MANY are being callously and cruelly killed after their value in bringing in FREE MONEY for the narcissists and sociopaths in social media crisis-rescuing is over.

Crisis-rescue-junkies — keep up your mindless, moronic, junkie-behavior and it will be too late to disassociate yourself from your favorite scammy donation-fueled “rescue-kill shelter” that kills animals and that will be exposed, it’s just a matter of time.

They wouldn’t get away with their despicable killing behavior if YOU weren’t enabling them by being:

*a dumb groupie and cheerleader,

*a donor,

*an excuse-maker,

*and a keyboard-bully attacking people that ask reasonable questions,

for the primary reasons that YOU want to be entertained (to relieve the boredom of your purposeless life?)

*you live vicariously through other people and their manic, mentally unbalanced behavior

and you for some sad reason also pathetically have the NEED to belong.

Animal Rights1

You can still redeem yourself and help stop the killing of innocent animals that are supposed to be “safe in rescue”…..really, you can.

All you have to do is:

*admit that talented scam – artists operating on social media managed to fool you with their puffery, misrepresentation, embellishments, and blatant, pathological LYING,

*think for yourself,

*don’t be afraid of not belonging to a killing team, a murderous village, a heathen tribe,

*and care enough about animals to ask questions,

*and if/WHEN  logical, concise answers are NOT forth-coming,

*you will file complaints with organizations and agencies that will get answers one way or another in order to,

*protect “rescued animals” from being USED, BETRAYED, and KILLED by those running con-games posing as rescuers in DONATION-FUELED rescue.


It IS that easy to become a hero for animals,

to be their voice,

EXPOSING those that will never stop exploiting them,

until YOU,

and YOU,

and thousands of YOU’s,

come together in harmony and love

to STOP the greedy, self-absorbed conscience-LESS traitors,

from hurting and killing animals,

with no questions asked and answered,

UNLESS and UNTIL they are persistently demanded.

sheeple people2

Oh, and by-the-way, those people that are on the Board of Directors or are Officers in these “rescues” that wantonly and callously KILL healthy, innocent animals that are supposed to be “safe in rescue” that were “rescued” USING DONATED FUNDS?

You may think you can plead ignorance and innocence regarding the misuse of donated funds AND the KILLING of healthy, innocent rescued animals.

However, YOU are supposed to be the “checks and balances” that help keep people HONEST and doing the unselfish work of NONPROFIT animal rescue.

Unfortunately, narcissistic, manipulative, sociopathic people are OFTEN only “into” animal rescue for the free money flowing in, the free animals they attain USING other peoples money that they can sell, and the accolades whereby animals in need are mere props, pawns, and a vehicle to celebrity and attention.

When you do suspect shady and/or illegal activities, or are suspicious of WHY so many animals are being killed, or are simply disappearing at an alarming rate and your questions go unanswered, or if you are the Treasurer in charge of the finances for the nonprofit and you’re unable to balance the books and/or are having difficulty figuring out what donation money is being spent on, IF you possess a conscience, or IF you have a sense of self-preservation, you would be well advised to distance yourself from questionable dealings and a rescue that is not as it appears.

Taking it an ethical step farther, whistle blowing may be in order to protect animals, and protect yourself, for the simple reason that when the domino’s begin to topple, even “if” you are an honest, ethical person, YOU will be painted with the same broad, tainted brush as the crooks and criminals because you didn’t say a word about the bad things that were happening at the “rescue” you were involved with.




Lyin’, Lying, Pathological Liars Operating in Donation-Funded FOR-PROFIT Animal Rescue – Kill Shelters

AKA – They kill and disappear innocent animals, don’t they?


Everyone watches the vile pattern of behavior unfold, as many primarily, or entirely donation-funded animal rescues-kill shelters, that are no better than generational welfare (FREE money) recipients workin’-it in the unregulated free-for-all that is the social media arena, attain more, and more, and more animals using donation money, and then refuse to tell the public WHERE IN THE HELL ARE ALL OF THE ANIMALS DISAPPEARING TOO and/or WHY ARE YOU KILLING RESCUED ANIMALS WITHOUT SHOWING VET REPORTS DETAILING WHY THE ANIMAL MUST BE PUT-DOWN?!?!?

It begs the question “why isn’t the concerned animal loving public doing more to get answers regarding the WHEREABOUTS of animals that are supposed to be safe at rescues that attained the animals through the USE of donation money?”


Here’s why, and if you don’t believe this is a primary reason people don’t pursue answers, go ahead and ask questions of your favorite donation-funded rescue that attains a lot of animals whose whereabouts are unknown mere days or months from when they were rescued:

ALL of the donation-funded “rescues” that tend to attain a lot of animals, but then won’t account for EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM after being attained with donated funds, have “enablers” and cult-members ready and willing to go on the attack on behalf of their gurus at the rescue – kill shelter they are ignorant followers of.

These nasty, vicious, chump followers can be counted on to go on the attack on people that ask simple, concise, straight-forward questions that honest rescues using donated funds to rescue and take care of animals will happily answer.

It’s quite easy to separate the real and good donation-funded animal rescues from the shady ones, that often are lowlife animal dealers posing as “rescues”;

all one needs to do is ask straight-forward, targeted questions and see if they readily answer, or instead they go into evasion-mode, they sic their brainwashed, idiotic, but vicious like a rabid dog cult followers on you, you have bogus false reports filed against you by “anonymous complainants, and other equally nasty things occur suddenly.

These sub-humans can be counted on to bully, threaten, belittle, defame, threaten, stalk, and even call in “false reports” (which is ILLEGAL by the way) to taxpayer-funded government agencies.

This is a quote from an expert on stalking:

“Organized Gang Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a person’s life so they will:

have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide.

This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment.

It is a “ganging up” by members of the community, and via the Internet, who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.

Organized gang stalking can involve a group in the hundreds to thousands harassing a single person or family 24/7. The victim is stalked en masse by car, foot, bike, air and Internet in order alienate and isolate the victim. 

The goals of gang stalking are to:

Provoke the victim to assault someone and get arrested; 

Make the victim seem delusional/ mentally ill (see “gaslighting”);

Make the victim so depressed they become suicidal. 

Tactics used are relentless color harassment, noise harassment, air harassment, hand signals, electronic monitoring inside the home and car (complete invasion of privacy; 

redirecting of phone calls, emails, postal mail),

via social media, workplace mobbing, “directed conversation” and innuendo,

erratic/ aggressive driving, bizarre/rude/bullying behavior in the community, and much more.

This is extreme criminal activity that is becoming more common and needs to be outlawed.”

As more and more animal lovers donate and support rescues from afar (they follow the rescue via social media because they live hundreds, if not thousands of miles away – and if not for social media they do their carnie-fund-raising on to finagle money out of naive “marks”, MOST of these “retail rescues” wouldn’t even be in business – whereby they are not at the rescue facility to keep track of where the rescued animals are, more and more of these people are asking targeted questions regarding the “rescued animals” whereabouts and wellbeing.

Additionally, people are asking for documentation such as:

*vet reports that fundraisers were run to pay for veterinary services for the rescued animals,

*vet reports and euthanasia reports describing WHY an animal HAD to be put down,

*itemized vet bills for each particular horse the “rescue says” their vet is looking at, examining, and evaluating,

*number of animals rescued in the past year and current, date – stamped photos of the animals showing their condition,

*numbers of adoptions in the previous month featuring current photos of the animals in their new home,

*receipts for vet care,

*feed for animals,

*body disposal bills.

Very telling is when a primarily, or entirely donation-funded (as opposed to a primarily, or entirely self-funded animal rescue whose operators pay for everything, or most everything pertaining to the rescue with their own money) animal rescue becomes evasive, refuses to answer simple questions and provide documentation they should have.

A huge red flag is when the rescues true believer cult followers begin assaulting people asking questions by bullying, belittling, threatening, stalking, using foul, inappropriate language, name calling, and also calling in false reports to taxpayer-funded government agencies (illegal, but this happens A LOT).

If, or when this happens, the person being assaulted should start collecting screenshots of the lack of answers to their questions posed to the rescue, and also of the assaults by thug-followers of the “rescue” ‘gang bullying”, which will be sent to various law enforcement and other government agencies such as the Attorney Generals and Secretary of States offices that are in charge of investigating nonprofit animal rescues, along with detailed written complaints.

If more animal lovers would follow-through regarding asking questions that are supposed to be rescued, and also file complaints to the appropriate government agencies regarding animals that are supposed to be “rescued and safe” uthrough the use of asked for, and received “designated donations”, there would/will be far fewer “bad apple opportunist rescues” out for personal profit and gain USING animals as “props” and “bait”, and the rescues doing real rescue that they are not profiting and gaining from would get more much needed support.

Be sure to also include the entire Board of Directors for the rescue because even if unaware of wrongdoing, they are just as culpable as the people doing the shady and/or illegal activities at the rescue.

The Board of Directors are supposed to act as “checks and balances” for the rescue, so even if they aren’t “hands on” at the rescue, they are still supposed to be aware of the operations at the rescue.

Animal lovers in the public:

Don’t be sucked in, and become addicted to the entertain, excitment, and drama  that is spoon-fed to you by showboating, reality show-type animal rescues that are often operated by extreme narcissists, “puffers”, pathological liars, and even sociopaths that mostly care about themselves and not anything, or anyone else.

Real and honest animal rescue is not fireworks and drama – instead, the real, everyday rescuing and caring for rescued animals are labors of love, and is often about as exciting and entertaining as watching grass grow or paint dry.

In other words, don’t be the fool that’s born everyday and fall for what the opportunists and connivers in donation-funded rescue are trying to sell you in the form of drama and entertainment that you can live vicariously through them to rev-up the somewhat mundane daily life you lead.

True animal lovers couldn’t care less about being entertained, or living vicariously through the “actors” in donation-funded animal rescue because their primary concern and bottom-line is ALWAYS for the animals that are rescued, and also WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM AFTER THEY ARE RESCUED, so the manic antics of the “rescuers” at a reality-show-type “rescue” is mere distraction and smoke-and-mirrors designed to distract and deceive.

Why the SAFE ACT Will Never Pass (if things don’t change……)

the safe act1


Its really very simple: the SAFE ACT will never pass as long as certain factors don’t change.

Why you sincerely, albeit naively, may ask?

Because if laws that are already in place that outlaw and ban any type of horse slaughter dealings are NOT being enforced even when they have been in place for several years in only a few states (much easier to enforce), why would anyone think that laws in place Nationwide banning slaughter in the United States, and that also ban the export of American horses out of the country for slaughter, will have any chance of being enforced countrywide?

As it stands now, there appear to be far too many horse rescues in the United States that have a business model that utilizes the threat of horses going to slaughter in order to collect free donation money, they constantly USE that threat, they NEED that threat, of horses being purchased by kill buyers at livestock “kill sales” and horse sales to coax, wring and wrangle “emergency” or “crisis” donation money out of kind-hearted albeit naive peoples pockets to “rescue” horses and keep them out of the kill buyers evil clutches.

In other words, they have a vested interest in laws already on the books, sometimes for many years, NOT being enforced because of a business model that heavily relies on receiving thousands of dollars in donation money annually as the only way to continue to run their operation.

They benefit from that lack of enforcement because people send them free money to keep horses out of the hands of kill buyers.
Some rescues also outbid private buyers that are not kill buyers for horses they can potentially sell/adopt for a higher profit margin, but they usually “explain” to their often naive followers that they didn’t think the buyer bidding was an “appropriate home” for the horse.
When out-bidding private buyers happens, and prices go well above “kill price”, even the most gullible and naive people should question the ethics and legitimacy of a rescue that is spending donation money on horses that are not being bought by kill buyers and thus, horses that truly need rescuing may not be rescued/bought.

Horses at Auctions3

This is a reality at livestock ‘kill sales’ (‘food chain animals’ such as cattle, sheep, goats) and sales that are targeted horse sales across the country that operate weekly, the first or second Saturday of the month, special sales every 3 months, or whatever.

Week after week, month after month, the sing-song prattle and chant of the auctioneer can be heard selling horses by-the-head or by-the-pound, cajoling anyone present to bid, bid, all in, all out.

The horses sometimes gracefully walk into the usually tiny sale ring (or “cage’ as is the set-up at some sale yards), being led by a handler, or ridden through to show they are ‘broke to ride’.

Potential buyers may have had a chance to look at the horses before they go through the auction ring if the horses are in a corral, tied to the fence, in a corral or stall at the sale yard, being ridden by riders paid to ride them through the ring and show what they can do.

Buyers can sometimes have a horse ‘trotted out’ on a lead line to look for soundness, they may be able to get a look at the horses teeth for age and condition, talk to the owner that has sadly had to make the decision to sell their horse through a sale as a last resort.

But more often than not at most of the down and dirty, low level sales, the horses slip, slide, and skitter through the gate into the sale ring, often called ‘the cage’, as ‘loose horses’, whether trained or not, wild or domestic, smacked on the ass with a plastic paddle, only to be deflected from the other side of the ring with the paddle to their face to turn them back, by handlers that are jaded, dispassionate, and disassociated to their plight, their fright, their nightmare.

Ban Horse Slaughter8

Their faces are a study in terror and horror, their mouths gape open with shrill screams, the whites of their eyes show, and their eyes roll in fear and terror, as they ftantically careen around the ring, looking for help, looking for compassion, empathy, a lifeline, somebody to save them.

In states where the commercial horse slaughter trade and dealings have not been banned, horses are bartered, traded, thrown-away into the commercial horse slaughter pipeline, where they are forgotten by most, but not by all.

Rescuing, pulling, buying, bailing, or whatever one wants to call it does save horses lives in regard to them being spared the one way trip to Mexico or Canada for commercial slaughter, at least for a little while.

It’s “a good thing” when rescues snatch horses from the jaws of death, outbid the kill buyers, and pull them out of the slauhter pipeline with the help of donors providing the money to purchase them, transport them, care for them, rehabilitate them, adopt them out with or without a fee in states where the horse slaughter trade and dealings are still perfectly legal and horse rescues and rescuers at sales featurin horses eally does save horses, buros, and mules the one way trip to hell at commercial slaughter.

And yes, sometimes rescues even have to euthanize horses if it has been determined by experienced horse people in partnership and agreement with their veterinarians with nothing to gain or lose that their quality of life is not good no matter how much in the way of food, supplements, support, medication, and care isn’t enough and the horse has lost the will to live.
They have saved the horse from the one-way nightmare trip to slaughter, and are succeeding in giving at least some horses a reprieve in going to a horrifying death at slaughter.

So yes, it is “a good thing” when people put themselves out there and brave the realIty of going to a sale where kill buyers operate freely and legally dealing horses by the pound or by the head.

They know they can never buy all the horses in jeopardy of making the one-way terror-trip to slaughter in foreign countries, but try anyway to give at least a few precious and innocent souls a chance at a new life, or a dignified death through humane euthanasia surrounded by those that loved them enough to rescue them, and also cared enough to let them go.

These people are the true, honest, and humble angels that often operate behind the scenes with no fanfare, accolades, or praise; and they should be saluted for their selflessness saving lives because it is the compassionate and human thing to do.

the safe act4

All that being said however, a few states have banned and outlawed any horse slaughter dealings at all, including buying horses at sales or from the public with the intention of shipping them out of the state for commercial slaughter for human consumption.

One such state that has this law is California.

The verbiage is at the link below for those that do not know of this law so that they may understand what the law means:,_Prohibition_on_Slaughter_of_Horses_for_Human_Consumption_(1998)

As explained above, some/many of the horse rescues that attend sales regularly, or even deal with the kill buyers at their feedlot, can’t afford for horse slaughter laws being enforced.

They could be called “enablers”, but the most appropriate title is probably capitalists and/or “opportunists” taking advantage of an opportunity to collect tax free money from nice people that are too gullible to realize they are “marks”, they attain free horses using that free money, ask for even more free money for the horses care, maintenance, vet bills (and there are reports of some horse “rescues” ‘saying’ their vet is looking at and examining horses but since vet reports are rarely, if ever, shown upon request by the public, it is questionable if horses are being looked out or if donations sent for that purpose are being used in the way they were donated to be used), farrier bills (at least until they can determine when they “sort” the horses which ones they will sell/adopt, and which ones they will kill/euthanize because their physical and/or behavioral issues will make them difficult to adopt with or without a fee and then just keep repeating the pattern of behavior until enough people get wise and begin to ask questions regarding “where are all of those horses you’ve already ‘rescued’ and are they alive or dead”?

sheeple people2

People that are blind followers of rescues that never ask questions and take everything a rescue say’s at face value are usually people that:

  1. don’t understand or know that horse slaughter dealings are illegal in states like California, and have been for nearly 20 years.
  2. they want so badly to be a part of the excitment, hype, and glitz that these types of horse rescues offer them.
  3. they truly think they are helping horses when the reality is that if the laws already in place were being enforced with the help of horse rescues that have a large following, kill buyers would go to ground and they’d have to get into another line of work or risk being arrested on felony charges and going to prison.
  4. some people want so badly to “belong” to “a club”, “a movement”, “a group”, or “a team” that they will stifle any doubts they may have, they will stop listening to that inner voice or intuition that say’s “somethings not right”, they will “kill the messenger” if anyone tries to point out some problems and things that don’t add up or make sense.
  5. are not really anti-commercial horse slaughter and are “into” rescue primarily to be a part of a “rescue club” or “be on a team” as an enabler and “cheerleader” for a “rescue” that quite frankly isn’t really anti-horse slaughter.
    If the horse rescue really were anti-horse slaughter they’d be helping with the enforcement of LAWS and not using the threat of horse slaughter to gain thousands of dollars in free money donations and acquiring entirely FREE horses they then sell/adopt-for-a-fee, when kill buyers operating illegally are in evidence and have been identified (by the “rescue”) as operating at sales and also at illegal horse feedlots.

For these poor souls, they often are a lost cause because they don’t want to have their impression and image of their favorite rescue shattered by admitting that they are merely being used for their money, their support, their enabling, their “cheerleading”, and their good nature.



However, for the people that really ARE anti-commercial horse slaughter and seek to have laws already on the books enforced, read on and you will be given a simple way to do your part, even from afar, regarding keeping horses out of the slaughter pipeline.

You will also be impacting having those dealing directly, or even indirectly in horse slaughter dealings held accountable.


Here’s what you do:

The next time you are on a California horse rescues Facebook page where they are reporting in “real time” from a horse or livestock sale, at the first mention of “the kill buyers here” or “we’re going to be bidding agasinst the kill buyer”, get on the phone and also on your computer/smartphone and do the following:

  1. contact the California Department of Food and Agriculture via phone at and via email at:

916-654-0466 (Sacramento) General Information

916-654-0462 (Sacramento) Public Affairs

If you are using a TTY/TDD (Text Telephone) dial 1-800-735-2929

If you are using a TRS (Telephone Relay Service) dial 1-800-735-2922

FAX: 916-657-4240 (Sacramento)

Address: California Department of Food and Agriculture
1220 N Street
Sacramento, California, U.S.A. 95814

Hours: Office Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm | Voice Mail Hours: 5:00pm – 8:00am

and report that “such-and-such horse rescue” (provide their name) is at “such-and such sale” (provide the address and phone # of the sale by Googling that information and also send the Dept. of Ag screenshots of the horse rescue attending the sale publicly identifying kill buyers as being at the sale) and you want a Dept. of Ag officer to go to that sale immediatly, make contact with the horse rescue that has identified the kill buyer/s at that sale, and have them point out the kill buyer/s that are at the sale and have the officer/s make contact with that kill buyer and speak with them regarding their intentions.

2. contact local law enforcement (usually the Sheriff’s office for whatever county the sale operates in – Google that information for the NON-EMERGENCY line.

Here is a link that lists the law enforcement agencies in California: and report the same (also send them screenshots of the rescue publicly identifying kill buyers at the sale they are currently attending) as what you’ve reported to the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and demand that the Sheriff’s office send deputies or other law enforcement officers to that sale immediatly, make contact with whatever horse rescue has reported kill buyers at the sale, and have the rescue identify the kill buyers so that law enforcement can make contact with those kill buyers and determine their intentions and perhaps open an investigation into illegal activities.

3. Contact the California Attorney Generals office and the Secretary of States office that are in charge of over-seeing non-profit rescues and charities operating in their state) via phone at and via email at Report Crime: and report that a horse rescue is at such-and-such sale yard (give the contact information for the sale yard and make sure you send the AG’s office and the Secretary of Staes office and also law enforcement screenshots of the horse rescue identifying publicly that kill buyers are at the sale) and demand they investigate the sale yard where kill buyers have been identified by the horse rescue as being in attndence buying horses they then are being reported by the horse rescue that they are exporting them for slaughter out of the country (a felony).

4. If horses are on the sale grounds that have been consigned to the sale, or are at the sale yard being bought in the parking lot are identified as being in a neglected and/or abused state, the animal control for that county where the sale yard is being operated NEED to be called and emailed (Google the contact information for whatever animal control is located in the county where the sale is being operated) and demand that animal control goes to the sale, makes contact with the horse rescue that is identifying horses in neglected or abused condition, and have animal control get the horse rescue to identify those horses to them. Animal control also needs to insist that the sale yard explain WHY they have not turned in complaints and reported owners that bring horses to their sale that are in neglected and/or abused condition that either were consigned to the sale, or had them on the sale yard grounds even if not consigned to the sale.

5. Contact the sale yard management that you already have the contact information for and apprise them of the fact that a horse rescue attending their sale has publicly identified kill buyers operating illegally at their sale yard and that law enforcement has been notified , including screenshots of the public announcement by the rescue that kill buyers are at the sale yard, and are hopefully on their way to take a report from the horse rescue, and also from sale yard management regarding alleged illegal activities occurring at the sale yard at the sale/auction.

The same agencies can be contacted, including screen shots, whenever a horse rescue reports that they were at the kill buyers feedlot, that they “work with kill buyers”, or anytime they mention kill buyers operating in Caifornia that they are aware of.

Horse rescues that aren’t striving for enforcement of laws on the books banning and outlawing horse slaughter dealings in that state are suspect as to their motives from not reporting illegal activities and need to be questioned and possibly investigated regarding why they aren’t seeking to have the laws enforced, and instead appear to be actually dealing with kill buyers that are breaking the law.

It takes a village4


It really does take a village of people that truly are anti-horse slaughter UNITING WITH OTHER LIKE MINDED INDEPENDENT THINKING PEOPLE to make sure laws are enforced, and if the horse rescues that use the threat of horses going to slaughter in states where the horse slaughter trade and dealings are illegal won’t do it, it is up to courageous, caring, compassionate,  independent thinking horse lovers that are anti-horse slaughter to do it on behalf of ALL of the horses that have no voice and can’t protect themselves from evil and being subjected to the horror that is the horse slaughter pipeline.

asking questions5

It is also high time that horse rescues that appear to be capitilizing on the threat of kill buyers dealing in illegal horse slaughter buying horses they then ship to slaughter outside the US to collect donations and also free horses are questioned regarding their practices and why they don’t instead do all of the above listed pro-active things themselves in order to expose the illegal horse slaughter trade and dealings in their state where it is illegal.

They also should be investigated and forced to identify exactly where the many, many horses they have “rescued” using donation money are at this very moment and why more and more and more horses go into their facilty, but the numbers leaving their facility that are being reported by them clearly don’t match up to the greater numbers they have acquired with donation money.

At the link below is the 1-page short form information page and questionnaire that can be sent to animal rescues that potential donors and supporters want answers from BEFORE they become donors and supporters in order to make sure that the animal rescue shares their ethics, ideals, and principles:

Short Form Information Page and Questionnaire For Animal Rescues

Sheeple people3



People that are enablers that in fact appear to be more interested in being a part of the “rescue club” and less interested in the enforcement of laws that PROTECT horses from inhumane commercial horse slaughter (that many people fought long and hard to get passed into law) need to understand that horse slaughter is nasty and horrific, and this issue is NOT ABOUT THEM, ITS ABOUT THE HORSES, WHATS BEST FOR THE HORSES AND THAT ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS IS WHAT IS BEST FOR ALL HORSES, NOT JUST THE ONES “RESCUED”  FROM INHUMANE SLAUGHTER BY HORSE RESCUES USING DONATION MONEY.

Everyone needs to make a choice;

is it more important for you to belong to a “rescue club”, “a team”, a “party-barn-rescue” that appears to be capitilizing on the threat of horse slaughter in states where horse slaughter dealings are illegal, and also being a follower that asks no questions so you don’t get ostracized, bullied, false reported on to government agencies in order to shut you up and attacked by the rescue and their enabler-followers?


Or are you the person whose bottom-line position is the well-being of ALL horses, even if it means going against the grain, even if it means not “belonging”, and even if it means taking a stance that isn’t popular and could lead to you being bullied and attacked because you’re taking the road less traveled?

Are you also willing to do what it takes to have laws be enforced that many people fought long and hard at their own expense of time, money, losing friends, rocking the boat to get on the books in the first place??

Only you can make that decision if you are REALLY anti-horse slaughter, so think long and hard about what kind of person you are, choose wisely, and BE THE VOICE FOR INNOCENT HORSES THAT CANNOT PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM THE EVIL THAT EXISTS that allows for laws to be broken over and over again, even by those that profess to be anti-horse slaughter but whose actions appear to speak more loudly than their words.





Only when like-minded people are committed to STOPPING commercial horse slaughter will there be a good fighting chance that laws like the SAFE Act have a chance of being made LAW in order to protect the innocent souls of ALL horses being subjected to the terror and cruelty that IS commercial horse slaughter.

People need to decide if they are going to be a part of the problem, or a major influence of being a part of the SOLUTION because when those whom deal in horse slaughter and/or are enablers of illegal horse slaughter dealings in states where it is illegal realize they are being scrutinized by those that are 100% AGAINST HORSE SLAUGHTER, there will be a far greater chance of laws being enforced, people not participating either directly or indirectly in the horse slaughter trade, and many more horses will be saved that horrendous and cruel end – and perhaps then the SAFE ACT truly will have a chance of becoming the law of the land.

WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU – an enabler or a advocate for ending horse slaughter? – only YOU can decide.






















Is It Still the Democratic United States of America, Or Is It Now Nazi Germany?

In the new world order in animal-rescue-land of busy-bodies, meddlers, animal rights whack-jobs, informants and DONATION-FUNDED “retail (for profit) rescues” over-seeing and “policing” animal owners, NO ANIMAL OWNERS ARE SAFE FROM ILLEGAL SEIZURE OF THEIR ANIMALS.

Their judgement of and their dislike, hatred, and pettiness toward others, especially those they are jealous of, and also some/many animal rescues greediness regarding receiving free money unaccounted for donations that MANY donation-funded (retail) rescue players literally live off of, knows no bounds, so they will “false report” (which is illegal by-the-way) to TAXPAYER-FUNDED government agencies in order to have their own way, “win”, feel self-righteous” even though they are usually the most INSECURE and COWARDLY  people you’ll ever meet.

They will also ramp-up MOBS on social media to back-them-up because dontcha know they NEVER do anything solo because they are COWARDS.
Ask them reasonable questions and what the questioner will usually get is nonsensical drival, lies, embellishment, angry rants, and nearly ALWAYS, NO ANSWERS WITH A BASIS IN FACT FOR THE POSITION THEY HAVE.

Mean girls6


Mean girls7


At the link below is one of the most recent attacks on innocent animal owners:

The first clue to something wrong with this picture is this quote:

“This is a call we had never received before, so it started off as kind of a joke,” Musser said. “But basically, our investigation led us to a very serious situation.”

Hmm, so we read “This is a call we had never received before, so it started off as kind of a joke,” Musser said

which tells anyone with an IQ above 80 that this guy has absolutely no training, education, or experience with exotic animals.
And not only that, he’s already geared-up to treat this like “it started off as kind of a joke”.

Our 2nd clue to the lunacy of having people with NO EXPERIENCE with exotic animals being in a position to make life-and-death decisions is his brilliant (NOT!) quote of:

“But basically, our investigation led us to a very serious situation.”

So pray tell, how in the world is someone who is geared-up to treat this as a joke, and who also has NO EXPERIENCE with exotic animals, prepared to judge what is a “very serious situation”?!?!

Animals that smell4


The other absolutely idiotic issue are all the folks in the peanut gallery of non-Einsteins ranting and raving about “the smell”…….really?

What, do they really believe that all animals are like Unicorns that fart rainbows and flowers?

Do these morons actually think that when people have numerous animals, especially exotics, horses, goats, and even ferrets that have not had their scent glands removed (ferrets are very stinky when they have those glands, even if they are bathed often), that there aren’t going to be smells that to the average pet owner are offensive and “unbearable” for the simple reason they’ve never been exposed to what may very well be a natural smell for that species?

If people are having animals seized and being arrested because of the smell of the animals, there are A LOT of zoos that are in BIG TROUBLE (especially in the monkey houses).

Animals that smell5

People that are put-off because there are odors usually don’t have large numbers of animals inside or outside their house, and often only have a few dogs, a cat, and other domestic critters that are easy enough to manage, bathe everyday if thats what the people that have OCD and are “neat and clean” freaks do (driving their poor ANIMALS  crazy and into developing weird behavioral issues- that are NOT little children  disguised and dressed in animal costumes – that some of these people actually dress in baby/kids clothes and drive them around in strollers, making normal people KNOW they are imbeciles).

But what they end up doing, proving once again how ignorant they are, is speak utterly moronic, non-factual, lacking-in-experience garbage and incorrect things like they are some kind of experts in species-specific animal husbandry when its as obvious as the nose on ones face that they are NOT..

The actual facts 9 times out of 10 are that some of these jackasses have NO ANIMALS AT ALL, some of them *may* have a few domestic animals (that they probably drive into having vices and behavioral problems because of all the nagging and harping they assault their animals with on a daily basis), and the very closest most of them have ever gotton to exotic animals is at a zoo, or have only seen cows, horses, llamas, etc from afar in a pasture, with some having only been close to any of the aforementioned animals by seeing them on TV.

Then we have the statement:

“The good news is that authorities say it appears that most of the animals are in okay shape”

So since when are animals (supposedly) living in what are to be judged “filthy conditions” by some people making those statements, and that actually appear and sound too inexperienced and unbiasd to be making those kind of judgement calls, grounds for seizing animals and not instead issuing the owners a warning that they have “x number of days” to rectify and correct the situation when MOST OF THE ANIMALS ARE SAID TO BE IN “OKAY SHAPE” as per quotes from “the authorities”?

From this blogger having researched and observed MANY, MANY of these questionable seizures of animals, this whole thing stinks to high Heaven of a set-up designed to defame the owners, steal rare and valuable animals, further the animal rights cause of no one owning animals eventually using TAXPAYER-FUNDED GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TO CARRY OUT THEIR WARPED AGENDA, and also some of the participants that are calling themselves rescues utilizing the situation in order to collect thousands of dollars in donations from gullible people in the public and also attain FREE ANIMALS they can sell.

What would be great is if all of the people attacking this family would PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE, publicly post your addresses and then everyone can come and take a look at your property and your animals.

If you don’t think this very same thing can happen to you as an ANIMAL OWNER, and that animal control, law enforcement, animal rights whack-jobs, and also “for-profit retail rescues” that make a lot of money in donations (off of your misery when you’re attacked) and also by selling free animals they obtain when they do seizure scams and “rescue raids”, won’t come a-callin’ at your house, guess again.

When these control freaks, power-mongers, shysters and grifters see an opportunity to collect thousands of dollars in donations when they ramp-up “social media maddness mobs” to attack you on Facebook, message boards, twitter, instagram and other social media platforms, and when they are getting free animals they sell after dragging you through the mud, you, like MANY OTHERS,  can and will find out the hard way it can happen to ANY ANIMAL OWNER, WITH ANY TYPES OF ANIMALS.





Additionally, last time most people looked, we still live in the democratic United States of America and NOT Nazi Germany where people were arrested and disappeared never to be seen or heard from again.

This begs the question of WHY ARE THESE PEOPLES ANIMALS BEING GIVEN AWAY/SOLD AND/OR KILLED BEFORE THESE ANIMAL OWNERS HAVE HAD THEIR DAY/S IN COURT AND BEFORE THEY HAVE EVEN BEEN INVESTIGATED (unless this was a set-up or plot and an “investigation” of sorts has been on-goin – it certainly wouldn’t be the first time that law enforcement teaming up with faux rescues” has done these nasty, low-down, unethical, dirty things)?

So where is the JUSTICE in what is being done to these people?

That’s right, there isn’t ANY!

Corruption in rescue2

Most despicable of all is that some of the stolen animals are also being killed because the law breakers that are trampling these peoples rights cannot handle those animals, so they make up stories that the animal is “dangerous”, is “ill”, “can carry diseases”, etc – however, WHERE EXACTLY ARE ALL OF THE VET REPORTS FROM A LICENSED VETERINARIAN ATTESTING TO THESE STATEMENTS (EXCUSES) FOR THE KILLING OF INNOCENT ANIMALS THAT IN FACT WERE MEMBERS OF A FAMILY AND BEING TAKEN CARE OF?!?!



Its not the animals that were seized/stolen and/or the property they were living peacefully at that STINKS!


In closing, pertaining to ALL the people in the mob that are attacking these people;



“SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT” should NEVER BE TOLERATED because it is unfair and illegal. If you aren’t abiding by all of the rules, regs, and laws, prepare for complaints going to your local authorities to be coming in by the hundreds regarding you and your law-breaking.

Is that a threat?

Nope, its a promise to make sure “selective enforcement” doesn’t happen just because YOU think you’re squeaky clean and above the law.

We’ll probably be waiting a really long time for the posting of these ignorant peoples addresses (although, its probably easy enough for people to look them up under their names and publicly post them using websites like Instant Checkmate at  ) to happen because your ilk are PURE COWARDS and are only “brave” (NOT!) big mouths from the safety of your own homes, which are OFTEN hundreds, if not thousands of miles away from where innocent peoples lives are being wrecked, ruined, and destroyed, and their beloved animals are being SOLD AND ALSO KILLED (LIKE BROKEN MERCHANDISE).

Coming soon is the means for innocent animal owners who have been attacked on seizures of their animals and their illegal arrests, and also who are being libeled and slandered, to affordably file civil lawsuits and sue all parties that participated in the seizure, and also those cowards in the mindless mob on the Internet that think they are untouchable whom are libeling and slandering them.

Stay Tuned3

Stay tuned for that annoiuncement that WILL make “the noise in numbers” of the mindless mobs that are attacking, threatening, stalking and defaming STOP IT, or else they WILL be smacked in the wallet.

asking questions4

In the meantime, anyone that wants to find out exactly WHO the participants in this raid are should send them some of the questions contained on the 1 page information sheet and questionnaire at the link below.

Their failure to answer any questions is indicative of the BS and cruel manipulations being perpetrated on the gullible, trusting public and leads those “in the know” to believe that not all is at it seems regarding this seizure of animals and the arrest of their owners.

Short Form Information Page and Questionnaire For Animal Rescues


Malignant Narcissists, Egomaniacs, Scam Artists and Pathological Liars Have Infiltrated Animal Rescue

Split Personality Woman

The woman discussed in the lengthy article at the link below is a sociopath/psychopath, a very accomplished liar and a con artist that ran frauds in 3 countries and wasted alot of law enforcement and other government agencies money trying to “help” her regarding the fictional scenarios she is running.

Not to mention the many gullible, trusting people she USED AND LIED TO that were also trying to help her after she spoke her tales of woe and abuse.

An excerpt from the article:

On the afternoon of October 10, 2013, an unusually cold day, the streets of downtown Dublin were filled with tourists and people leaving work early. In their midst, one young woman stood out. She seemed dazed and distressed as she wandered down O’Connell Street, looking around timidly, a helpless-seeming terror in her eyes. She stopped in front of the post office, or, as locals would have it, the G.P.O. Standing between the thick columns, she looked even more forlorn. She was dressed in a purple hoodie under a gray wool sweater; tight, darkly colored jeans; and flat, black shoes. Her face was ashen. She was shivering. A passerby, stunned by her appearance, asked if she needed help. She looked at him mutely, as if not quite grasping the essence of the question. Somebody called the police. An officer from the Store Street garda station answered the call. He took her to a hospital. It seemed the best thing to do.

She was a teen-ager—fourteen or fifteen, at most. At five feet six, she weighed just more than eighty-eight pounds. Her long, blond hair covered a spiny, battered back. Once she did talk, some days later, it became clear that she had only the most rudimentary grasp of English—not enough to say who she was or why she’d appeared as she had. But the girl could draw. And what she drew made her new guardians catch their breaths. One stifled a gasp. One burst out crying. There she was, a small stick-like figure, being flown to Ireland on a plane. And there she was again, lying on a bed, surrounded by multiple men. She seemed to be a victim of human trafficking—one of the lucky ones who had somehow managed to escape.

another excerpt:

Stories bring us together. We can talk about them and bond over them. They are shared knowledge, shared legend, and shared history; often, they shape our shared future. Stories are so natural that we don’t notice how much they permeate our lives. And stories are on our side: they are meant to delight us, not deceive us—an ever-present form of entertainment.

That’s precisely why they can be such a powerful tool of deception. When we’re immersed in a story, we let down our guard. We focus in a way we wouldn’t if someone were just trying to catch us with a random phrase or picture or interaction. (“He has a secret” makes for a far more intriguing proposition than “He has a bicycle.”) In those moments of fully immersed attention, we may absorb things, under the radar, that would normally pass us by or put us on high alert. Later, we may find ourselves thinking that some idea or concept is coming from our own brilliant, fertile minds, when, in reality, it was planted there by the story we just heard or read.

Pathological Liar6

The article at the link above is a long read, but well worth the time because of the insight it gives into how con-artists minds work.

Kind compassionate people cannot even imagine that someone would weave such a deceptive web of lies in order for that person to profit and gain, but people like the woman in this story in fact do it over, and over, and over again – even after they are caught doing it, investigated, prosecuted, fined, and sometimes even jailed.

What they leave in their wake are destroyed and ruined lives, people have lost any sense of trust, and people feel foolish they didn’t know they were being conned.


Because there are currently so many pathological liars and sociopaths operating donation-funded adoption-based animal (retail) rescues that spin their tall tales of mostly fiction with a tiny bit of fact mixed in to add legitiamacy to the “rescue” of animals in order to get donation money from their gullible “marks” and “useful idiots” in the public sector, approx. 30 animal rescues have been sent the `1 page questionnaire at the link below, which contains mostly “yes” or “no” answers the rescues can choose from, and NONE of them have filled out the pertinent information that any legitimate rescue should not have a problem disclosing, and NONE of them will answer any questions.

It begs the question – “exactly what is the problem with answering questions that go to the accountability and transparency of an animal rescue (that MOST brag that they are)”?

What exactly IS THE PROBLEM regarding providing current photo and video documentation of “rescued animals”?
You know, the innocent animals that hundreds of thousands of donation dollars paid for the animals “rescue”.
It should be easy to provide CURRENT PHOTOS AND VIDEOS of each and every animal rescued in the past year taken at the main rescue facility, at their “satellite facilities”, “at the trainers”, in foster homes, etc?

Since many of these rescues won’t and can’t tell the truth, even if the lives of their kids depended on it because the TRUTH would expose them as swindlers, it’s just not good enough regarding what “they say”.

Providing PROOF that rescued animals are alive and well should be EASY since responsible rescues have stringent adoption and foster contracts.
If rescued animals really are “at the trainers” (one rescue has said they have over 70 horses “at the trainers”, which is absurd and obviously a bald-faced lie because of the monthly cost alone), assuredly most trainers would love the free advertising the rescue would be providing for them by posting the trainers location and contact information and some photos and videos of the horses being trained.

Pray tell, why do so many of these donation-funded rescues REFUSE to SIMPLY provide details of rescued animals whereabouts besides the FACT that they CAN’T because the innocent, “rescued” animal is MOST LIKELY dead and GONE?

Short Form Information Page and Questionnaire For Animal Rescues



Asking questions of these liars and psychopaths is like kryptonite is to superman, or water is to the wicked witch of the west:

Because of these scammers operating in reality-show-antics, circus sideshow donation-funded animal rescue, a certain amount of cynacism must be brought to the table in order so that innocent animals aren’t first used to get in donations for yet another unbelievable, “dramatic” ‘rescue’ and then are killed or disappeared by the “rescue” after “sorting” when it is discovered the animal is UNADOPTABLE WITH OR WITHOUT A FEE AND THE “RESCUE” IS NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF FEEDING ANIMALS they can’t get rid of quickly in order to bring in more animals USING DONATION MONEY, sometimes through multiple, questionable online accounts that are difficult to trace except through forensic accounting.

Believe What I Say1


When Do Tax Paying Citizens DEMAND Accountability From Tax Payer-Funded Government Agencies?

whose your daddy1

When do animal loving and animal owner tax paying citizens finally DEMAND accountability by TAX PAYER FUNDED GOVERNMENT AGENCIES SUCH AS ANIMAL CONTROLS AND THE DEPARTMENT OF AG?

And when do the aforementioned TAXPAYER-FUNDED government agencies investigate, cite, and maybe even prosecute the people that are habitual “false reporters” that are constantly USING these TAXPAYER-FUNDED GOVERNMENT AGENCIES SUCH AS ANIMAL CONTROLS, THE DEPARTMENT OF AG AND OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES to attack their neighbors, people they don’t like, people they may be having an issue with, etc and have these agencies running around investigating things over, and over, and over again with animal owners animals that aren’t based in FACT, and in the case of people that have kids and/or take care of elderly family members, they USE Child Protective Services and Elder Abuse Services to get at them?

False reporting is AGAINST THE LAW, so why don’t the DA’s in counties, cities, and towns slap these habitual complainers with a warning if they continue to false report if the agency has followed through on a first complaint and told them everything is fine and no laws are being broken, or they are going to perhaps monitor a situation, cite them if they keep doing it after they’ve been told it is being handled, and smack them in the wallet to teach them a lesson about being nasty, petty, and lying if they keep doing it?

What we’re talking about here is when animal controls and the Dept. of AG “partner” and even collude with animal rescues, sanctuaries, and animal advocates when they perform seizures and “rescue raids” on animal owners.

Currently, these TAX PAYER-FUNDED GOVERNMENT AGENCIES rarely, if ever, “vet” these privatized rescues, sanctuaries, and advocates when they “team up” to do seizures and raids on often innocent animal owners not guilty of doing anything wrong.

These agencies do these “partnerships” without performing any due diligence on rescues, rescuers, sanctuaries, or advocates regarding doing anything in the way of background checks, criminal record history checking,  finding out if they are registered as a non-profit in good standing, checking their financials and their ability to rescue using their own funds and not those of tax paying citizens and donors they fool into sending them money in order to sometime/often literally steal animal owners personal property animals, what happens to ALL OF THE ANIMAL AFTER THEY ARE SUPPOSEDLY  “RESCUED” FROM BAD HOMES, how many animals they adopt out, how many are euthanized, where are ALL of the “rescued animals” months after they were rescued, where is every penny of “designated donation money” and tax payer funds spent, and a myriad of other questions the regular people in the public have but rarely if ever get answers too when they ask the question of the government agencies whose salaries they pay with their tax dollars, and also the “rescues” these agencies have elected to “partner” and often collude with.


These are all SIMPLE QUESTIONS THAT SHOULD BE SIMPLE TO ANSWER, BUT IN THE COLLUSION AND “PARTNERING” THAT EXISTS between these agencies and the “rescues”, answers of any kind are rarely forthcoming.

This VAST LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY, FACT CHECKING, BACKGROUND CHECKING, ETC, leads many people to believe there are a bunch of “sweetheart deals” being worked out that part animal owners from their animals in the most horrible kinds of ways, people are pocketing taxpayer and donation money by the thousands of dollars, animals are disappearing and dying all over the place, and there is a bunch of backdoor dealing going on, and also oodles of “selective enforcement”of rules that should apply to everyone, and not just when those in positions of power decide to enforce them.

The next time people in the public hear about yet another confiscation of someones animals that are often beloved family members, remember, YOU COULD BE NEXT IN THIS GESTAPO-LIKE CLIMATE of government agency over-reach, and with animal rescues that so far don’t have to answer questions from those in the public because of a vast lack of oversight and enforcement of laws, rules, and regulations that are on the books with government agencies VESTED WITH REGULATING NONPROFIT DONATION-FUNDED (FREE MONEY) ANIMAL RESCUES.


For some reason – “kickbacks” and “greased palms” perhaps? – taxpayer funded government agencies perform NO DUE DILIGENCE, THEY DON’T THOROUGHLY CRIMINALLY AND FINANCIALLY BACKGROUND CHECK THE RESCUES AND ADVOCATES THEY “PARTNER” WITH AND COLLUDE WITH, AND A LOT OF PALMS ARE BEING GREASED AND PEOPLE ARE HAVING BIG PAYDAYS IT IS GUARANTEED when these crooks get together to make money and be the big shots.

When government agencies and donation-funded animal rescues don’t answer questions asked in good faith by the public that pay their salaries, and that goes to accountability, their motivation for doing what they’re doing,  and transparency, something is dreadfully wrong.

No one should support these agencies or rescues unless questions are answered in an honest and timely manner – there should be no unanswered questions regarding the credentials of those at the taxpayer funded agencies, the rescues, the sanctuaries, and the credentials that can be verified for the advocates.

There also shouldn’t be any problem when inquiring minds want to know and want to scrutinize taxpayer-funded agencies, and also primarily, or entirely donation-funded rescues financials, who is getting taxpayers money, who is getting donation money, exactly what the money is being used for, WHERE ARE ALL OF THE ANIMALS LANDING, publicly post ALL VET REPORTS and EUTHANASIA REPORTS written by licensed veterinarians that aren’t afraid to hang their ass in the wind and state facts and not fiction.

To that end, please people, have the courage, resolve and tenacity to send the 1 page short form information sheet and questionnaire at the link below to all government agencies and/or rescues involved in doing seizures of animals BEFORE you support them in any way.

Make sure you get answers, don’t allow them to side-step you, don’t allow them to bully you, don’t prove them right regarding YOU have a short attention span and no follow through, and make sure you get answers that protect animals and people from scam-artists raping the system over and over again.

If they refuse to answer the SIMPLE QUESTIONS on the questionnaire, they DO NOT DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT, they DO NOT DESERVE YOUR MONEY AND THEY IN FACT DESERVE TO HAVE COMPLAINTS FILED AGAINST THEM FOR REFUSING TO ANSWER SIMPLE QUESTIONS from taxpayers and donors that keep their agencies and organizations operating.

Many of the primary players at the animal rescues and sanctuaries DO NOT have jobs outside of rescue and advocacy,  SO EXACTLY HOW DO THEY PAY THEIR BILLS, TAKE VACATIONS, FEED THEIR FAMILY’S, BUY PERSONAL ITEMS NOT RELATED TO ANIMAL RESCUE, ETC?

And never forget, you could be taking great care of your animals, but cross the wrong person, piss someone off, have animals that are valuable enough for resale BY ANIMAL DEALERS POSING AS RESCUES CALLING IT “ADOPTION-FOR-A-FEE”, and YOU in fact could be the next animal owner to be on the receiving end of a seizure scam or rescue raid, with hoards of “useful idiot” people on social media being incited and ramped-up into hateful, violent, vicious, attacking, stalking, smearing, trashing mobs, whose only goal they have have been pointed toward by their “handlers” at the DONATION-FUNDED “rescues”and TAXPAYER-FUNDED GOVERNMENT AGENCIES is ruining YOU.

They have no consciences and all they care about is making money, receiving praise and accolades, and having power over others to feed their enormous egos because most of them are insecure, pompous narcissists that have never achieved anything worthwhile in their lives that demands hard work, integrity, honesty, honor, and compassion for animals and people alike.

These are basically lazy people that use everyone around them, ESPECIALLY THE DRAMA-PROVOKED USEFUL IDIOT PEOPLE IN THE MOBS THEY RAMP-UP ON SOCIAL MEDIA THAT DO THEIR DIRTY WORK FOR THEM FREE-OF-CHARGE JUST SO THEY CAN GET THEIR “CRISIS RESCUE FIX”, to get what they want and then throw the “useful idiots” in the mob away if any questions are asked, or if they are at all challenged with questions, and they also kill animals that have exhausted their “donation-value” and have physical and/or behavioral issues that render them un-adoptable.

Scammers Get Caught7

Here’s that simple questionnaire below.

For the “useful idiots” out in rescue-land, you don’t need to do a thing because you people don’t want to know the truth about the animal rescue you are supporting and those animal dealers  posing as “rescues” that you support are laughing their way to the bank after each successful rescue raid and the committing of FRAUD that they COULD NOT ACCOMPLISH without your “noise and numbers” (numbers of people making a lot of noise with phone calls, emails, comments, etc to harass the smiley-face, glad-handing politicians in cities, counties, and states into “doing something” even though “something” doesn’t necessarily need to be done).

For the small-minded, mean-spirited people that USE TAXPAYER FUNDED GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TO FILE FALSE REPORTS ON OTHER PEOPLE, be aware that false reporting is a CRIME and you may/will be held accountable criminally by the government agency you false reported too, and also perhaps in a civil lawsuit brought against you by the victims of your false reporting, your stalking behavior and your defamation – some people don’t just cringe in fear from your evil manipulations and waste of other taxpayers money and your unacceptable behavior may very well come back and bite you in the ass.

For the smart, concerned people in the public sector that pay taxes, send the questionnaire to government agencies to find out if they will answer the questions – seriously, don’t fair-minded people want to KNOW THE FACTS BEFORE they join up and support issues, movements, and activities?

It should also be REQUIRED as part of the “vetting” process that any and all animal rescues, sanctuaries, and advocates complete it BEFORE “partnering” with taxpayer-funded government agencies, and also BEFORE they receive even one thin dime from anyone.

Short Form Information Page and Questionnaire For Animal Rescues

ALL Animal Rescues and Sanctuaries That “Partner” With Government Agencies Seizing/Stealing Animals Need to Be Investigated – “VETTED” FIRST


Any of the so-called “rescues” or “sanctuaries” that are in “partnering” (collusion in more cases than people might imagine) with TAXPAYER-FUNDED government agencies seizing animals NEED to be investigated top to bottom regarding their finances, their facilities, their licensing, their associations with other animal welfare and animal rights groups, their association, alliance, and interactions with government agencies, their history of animals being killed or “disappeared” into thin air never to be seen or heard from again AFTER the animals were supposed to be RESCUED from their lawful owners, “rescued” from “wherever” (the donating, supportive public always needs to know exactly WHERE animals are being rescued from), etc.

The link to the blog post below relates to the thievery happening in Ohio where exotic animal owners of MANY YEARS are having their rights to own and maintain those animals assaulted and raped by new laws put in place within the past few years.

Many of these owners have tried to comply, only to have their applications held by the Ohio Department of AG for months, and then sent back to them for “correction” while also telling them “too late, you’re past the deadline for submission now and we’re taking your animals” (with help from other so-called “rescues” and “sanctuaries” they “partner” with).


Follow the money trail because it is 99.99999% guaranteed that those “rescues” and “sanctuaries” are “double-dipping” and getting not only tax payers money handed to them by the government agencies they are partnering/in-collusion-with, but also are receiving thousands upon thousands of FREE donation money they plead for on social media from gullible people in the public, and they are not being HELD TO ACCOUNT FOR EXACTLY WHO IS GIVING THEM MONEY AND IN WHAT AMOUNTS and EXACTLY WHAT THE MONEY IS BEING USED FOR REGARDING WHAT ARE CALLED “DESIGNATED FUNDRAISERS” OR “TARGETED FUNDRAISERS” (asking for donations for specific things).


That money could have been used to actually HELP the rightful and LEGAL animal owners bring their facilities up to federal inspection code under the new laws, take care of the animals every need for months or years, etc.

The way people will know that some, perhaps many seizures have nothing to do with violations, bringing things up to code, and the welfare of the animals is the VAST LACK OF HELP for the actual owners these animals know and love as family FOR MANY, MANY YEARS IN MOST CASES.

It is crystal clear in MANY INSTANCES OF THIS HAPPENING that this is all about GREED, POWER, CONTROL, POLITICS, HATEFULNESS, and is like junior high school kids behavior on steroids IN ALL ITS ABSURDITY, VINDICTIVE BULLYING, PETTINESS, AND VILINESS.

Nice little read at the link below regarding how power-hungry, money hungry, and how over-the-top some of these egomaniacs, narcissists and psychopaths involved in animal “rescue” and advocacy really are:


And to see what many of the callous primary players at “rescues” and animal welfare government agencies really think of the animal lovers and rescuers in the public sector, visit this not-so-nice link to a
Facebook page where these opportunists making money in rescue “vent” and make fun of sappy animal lovers and volunteers and illustrates these opportunists making money in animal rescue complete disdain and disrespect for them: 

whose your daddy1

FOR THE SAKE OF TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY, the public absolutely NEEDS TO SEE PUBLICLY POSTED ALL of the affiliations, associations, partnering, etc that is going on (whose in bed with who so-to-speak) between TAXPAYER-FUNDED government agencies and DONATION-FUNDED animal rescues and sanctuaries, and also DONATION-FUNDED animal rights and animal welfare advocacy groups and organizations.

It is said that “money corrupts”, and no area is demonstrating that point more clearly than the DONATION-FUNDED animal rescue world, and in the DONATION-FUNDED animal welfare and animal rights advocacy factions – especially when they “partner” with government agencies and animal rights and advocacy groups with a corrupt agenda.

Some people may have started out with good and true intentions of wanting to help animals, and even the animals owners too.

But with the advent of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter 10 or so years ago making marketing, PR, and fundraising FREE and EASY for anyone pretty much, but especially so for those people that have brilliant Internet skills who are perfectly willing to LIE, EMBELLISH, TRASH AND RUIN OTHER PEOPLE, along with a host of other equally despicable actions, a tragic majority of people appear to have succumbed to the siren-song of MONEY, POWER OVER OTHERS, CONTROL, and THE CELEBRITY OF ANIMAL RESCUE, and they threw away their ethics, honesty, compassion and empathy a long time ago (if they in fact ever had them in the first place and are people that have been running scams for years wherever the opportunity arises).

If they really are on the up-and-up, send them the information page and questionnaire at the link below, along with other reasonable questions you may have, and see if they fill it out and return it to you with answers to reasonable questions.

Short Form Information Page and Questionnaire For Animal Rescues

If they do complete it and send it back, great, its probably safe to support them.

But if they refuse to fill it out, ignore you, or even go on the attack on you for asking simple questions, its a good bet you should steer clear of them and perhaps even turn in complaints on them because SOMETHING ISN’T RIGHT WHEN PEOPLE WON’T ANSWER SIMPLE QUESTIONS.

Please do your part to keep greedy donation-funded “retail rescues” and power hungry donation-funded “rescuers”, “sanctuaries”, advocates, and advocacy groups on a tight leash.

Their primary players ALWAYS get paid, just as they continue to crack the whip concealed in sappy and insincere praise in order to keep their revolving-door of gullible, sheeple enabler volunteer-slaves that come and go all the time working for them for FREE.

People that do these seizures (often scams) need to be held to account for EVERYTHING THEY ARE DOING WHEN THEY DO A SEIZURE.

So if they refuse to answer simple questions contained on a 1 page information page and questionnaire and/or questions YOU may have, it is with a great degree of confidence that YOU can figure something rotten is going on.

And although YOU as an animal owner perhaps may think that a seizure scam could never happen to you, guess again and visit with people on People For Pet OWNership on Facebook at:

and also National Animal Interest Alliance at:

because there are thousands upon thousands of animal owners around the world that have had their animals seized/stolen from them and they too NEVER thought it could happen to them either.

Even Honest Rescuers Aren’t Clued-In to the Seizure Scams Done By Retail Rescues – THAT NEEDS TO CHANGE!


At the link below is a decently written blog post that addresses the “why’s” of why some animal owners get into a situation whereby they are unable to perhaps take care of their animals as well as they would like to:

An excerpt from the blog post:

“The thing all these scenarios have in common is that no one asked for help. Humans don’t like being seen as weak or failing. Most horse people pride themselves on being independent and resourceful. And then, if asking for help wasn’t hard enough, it can be hard to accept the help offered. Humans are complicated.

Once we ask, things can start to move. Family and neighbors step up. There are community resources like hay banks that offer help. Even deputies will lend a hand. I have such respect for people who humble themselves in deference to their animal’s welfare. It shows character.”

and then there is this excerpt:

“The other common statement that I hear is that someone just can’t be involved in helping because they love horses too much to look at the pictures; that hearing about it would just hurt them too much. Like somehow their love is just too pure to hear this kind of ugliness. Could you possibly think that those of us sitting in court are there because we love horses less than you do?

Do horses a favor; instead of loving them too much, love them just enough. Enough to offer help to a neighbor in need or enough to make the call to the authorities if necessary. Enough to be part of the solution. If you can’t take time off from work, then write letters to the media. Donate money, but if you don’t have a dime to spare, sign petitions, join groups, be informed. Love horses enough to bear witness. Love them enough to make positive change.”

Pathological Liar3

It was a good read until the end where the question is asked and statements are made somewhat chastising animal owners for not “asking for help” from their community, from an animal rescue, from a food bank for animal feed, etc.

While this particular rescuer might not ever in a million years go on the attack on animal owners just to pull in thousands of dollars in donations, acquire free animals she could sell for a profit, make herself look heroic at other peoples expense, there are in fact thousands of so-called rescuers that have literally infiltrated donation-funded animal rescue because of the vast LACK OF OVERSIGHT by agencies vested with regulating nonprofit animal rescues/sanctuaries/hospices that do those things, and even worse than that because they are unethical, narcissistic, sociopathic scammers and pathological liars out to make money and also a name for themselves in animal rescue.

And until honest animal rescuers are aware of what these “retail rescues” are doing operating in the rescue world running their con-games USING lies, innocent animals and gullible followers to do it, they should not be surprised to find out they will be painted with the same broad brush as the scammers in rescue UNLESS they are willing to “police their own” and “out” and “expose” the criminals operating in donation-funded animal rescue.

There is also the attitude in the blog post linked above that people that have no clue what’s going on with someone’s animals, they have no idea if someone’s  animals are just plain old, or they may have chronic or perhaps terminal health issues that renders them less than optimum looking, or any number of other things that are occurring, it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone’s animal/s need to be, or even want to be euthanized (think of your frail or decrepit Granny that still wants to live even if she’s skinny, tottering around, can’t “do” hardly anything at all anymore, etc but your Granny doesn’t want to be dead because of her age or aulments), are supposed to “contact the authorities’ ” and/or “the media” which in the current day rescue world can start a feeding frenzy of attack, bullying, and threats of bodily harm from strangers in the public against often innocent animal owners that are being portrayed as the worst kind of abusers and neglectors even when its not true.

Like many people that have perhaps been rescuing animals for several years who seem to be honest, compassionate rescuers, the reality is that the author of the blog post linked above may truly be the nicest, forthright, honest and giving rescuer someone would ever want to meet.
And they may well be willing to offer monetary help, or volunteer to do manual labor if someone is sick and/or injured and perhaps needs some help with their animals for a period of time.


However, MANY wonderful animal rescuers are completely unaware of how many “retail rescues” are operating in the new age rescue world of the past 10-12 years since the Internet and social media platforms attracted many people that are “opportunists” taking advantage of the free money making opportunities in animal rescue.

Those “opportunists” are not honest, they are not compassionate, and their bottom line is all about achieving money, accolades, praise, power, and control over other peoples lives and those of animals too.

The worst part is that they rally MOBS of people to attack perfect strangers on the Internet and on social media, they incite THEM to make phone calls to government agencies, the media, the humane society, spca’s and anyone else they can get to attack for them – and when a “seizure scam” attack goes down, it ruins innocent peoples lives, has animals being literally stolen from their owners, the animals are then “sorted” like sorting new merchandise, and then some animals that have issues which have brought in as much as possible on “sympathy/pity donations” that cannot be adopted-out (SOLD) are in fact killed or “disappeared” and NONE of them were really “helped” at all, nor were they owners that may have asked for help, but got attacked and destroyed instead.

As for the animals that are seized/stolen that don’t have any issues, they are OFTEN adopted-out (SOLD) within mere days of being seized because they didn’t need “”help” in the first place.

Scammers Get Caught7

What MANY people are unaware of, including long term honest and compassionate rescuers, is that quite often, the form of help being offered by “retail rescues” is for them to come in and do what’s called “cherry picking” whereby they choose the nicer animals without issues they can adopt-out (SELL) fairly quickly for a profit, leaving the animals owners keeping the decrepit “animals with issues” to take care of because those animals are often useless for anything.

Make no mistake, although the “retail rescue” tells people they “offered to help” the animals owners, their type of help is pretty much an extortion attempt of “let us choose the animals we’ll take off your hands, or else we’ll go public with your situation and we’ll take ALL of your animals no matter what condition they’re in. You will probably be arrested by the time we get done smearing and trashing you, and the mobs of complete strangers we incite to attack you on social media and message boards will help us do it after we post photos and videos of only your animals that are old, sick, chronically or terminally ill. So either let us take the ones we want, let us still trash you to an extent, or we will RUIN YOU”.

Don’t think this is how it goes in many of the instances of “retail rescues” offering their brand of help?

Well, it does happen this way, and more and more animal owners that are getting attacked on “seizure scams” are audio and video recording the extortion attempts, and in some cases, they got the extortion attempts in writing too.

When an animal owner is the target of attack, things happen very quickly, most people have no idea what is happening to them, they are being swarmed and assaulted by mobs of people on the Internet, they can’t think straight because they are being terrorized, so they don’t think to get things in writing and/or record things for proof of what was happening.
The whole “seizure scam” or “rescue raid” attack is so unreasonable and crazy, intelligent, honest, trusting people can’t wrap their minds around what is occuring because its so convoluted and out-of-control and there are no right answers when being attacked by complete strangers with no facts and who are attacking others based on what a “rescue” has told them or shown them.

Not even honest, compassionate, ethical rescues and rescuers realize that people that are scam-artists are running cons in animal rescue and making a very nice living from it even though they are often breaking the law and committing fraud, money laundering, misrepresentation, misappropriation of funds, and even racketeering (organized crime).


Unfortunately, with social media making marketing free and easy for anyone, those opportunists that are perfectly willing to lie, cheat, embellish, bully, threaten, and perpetrate Animal Enterprise Terrorism “seizure scams” and “rescue raids” on animal owners and also other rescues that perhaps take in the “animals with physical and/or behavioral/training issues at their rescues/sanctuaries/hospices are taking over the rescue world, and they will stop at nothing, and mow anyone or anything down in order to get the aforementioned rewards for the CAREER they have built for themselves in “animal rescue”.

At the link is a story done by John Stossel regarding “rescue raids” written in 2005 in the first wave of the rescue racket occurring:

People that “ask for help” are very often targeted for attack by scammers in animal rescue, and because there is little-to-no- meaningful oversight in animal rescue that requires donation funded animal rescues to say exactly where all that free money they’re receiving in donations on “crisis rescues” (designated fundraisers wnen they run “seizure scams” or are importing animals they “say” need “rescuing” from other states or countries), or even WHERE exactly do all of the animals they are rescuing using others peoples money are ending up, animal dealers have infiltrated animal rescue and MANY animal owners are TOO AFRAID to ask for help because they may end having their lives destroyed instead.

Many animal owners that have the old granny horse that isn’t ready to be put down even though she may be tottering around, doesn’t have all her teeth, is looking a little “rugged”, but is still schooling the youngsters and she doesn’t want to be dead yet, are scared spitless they’ll be targeted for attack and ALL of their animals get seized, including their horses that are excellent for adopting-out/SELLING for a good PROFIT.
These scammers at “retail rescues” also run an “impound fee” racket where they vastly inflate boarding “management fees” fees”, vet fees, farrier fees, grooming fees, and whatever other made-up fees they come up with, to the point where even when owners that are found innocent of ANY wrongdoing are unable to pay the fees  exorbitant fees to get their horses or other animals back and the rescue than keeps them.

A case-in-point that is just one of MANY happening around the country and the world is the situation with Joshua Rockwood, a small sustainable farmer that had some animals seized last spring.

You can read about his story here:


So although there are still some good rescues out there that can and do help people down on their luck, who are ill, who have lost their job, etc, there are many more “retail rescues” popping up every day that are running scams, and trashing and destroying peoples lives, and also the lives of their un-useable animals that are seized and then killed or “disappeared” after their donation-value is exhausted.

Its basically hard to trust anyone because trusting the wrong people can and does lead to destruction and death for many animal owners and their USELESS animals that can’t be adopted with or without a fee and retail rescues aren’t “in the business” of caring for and maintaining animals they can’t “USE” for anything.

Animal owners that simply needed a little help from what they thought was an animal rescue that turned out to be animal dealers posing as a rescue are ruining peoples and animals lives every, single day.

Because so many animal owners are being attacked all over the world, there are Facebook pages formed to tell the other side of the story of animal rescue:

People For Pet OWNership is one of them at:

Even Dr. Don Henneke issued a statement before he passed away in 2012 regarding his weight assessment scale being misused by horse rescues seizing owners horses unjustly:

There is also The Cavalry Group that was formed to provide a defense attorney for their members if they are targeted on a seizure scam attack:

More and more victims of attack are also going on the offense after being attacked and are filing civil lawsuits against their attackers regarding defamation, extortion, threats of bodily harm, cyber bullying, etc.


Most people think that they could never be the victim of an attack by an animal rescue “partnering” with animal control.

But if you as an animal owner ever fall on hard times and are unable to find homes for your beloved animals because some of those animal may have “issues” of one kind or another, be very careful which rescue you ask for help from because you could very well end up being a victim of a seizure scam with all of the essential hoopla, excitement, media attention, and frenzy of what are called “crisis rescue” that bring in thousands upon thousands of FREE donation from the public that thrives on the DRAMA and EXCITMENT provide them with.

Retail rescues are also brilliant at lying and embellishing in order to ramp-up MOBS on the Internet to attack for them because that is a huge component for a successful seizure scam.

In closing, no one should ask for “help” from a rescue or anyone else BEFORE asking them some targeted questions FIRST.

And no one should ever join a mob attacking complete strangers and/or joining in assaults over the Internet until they FIRST ask the rescue, the animal control, the humane society, or an spca some targeted questions FIRST BEFORE you help them, support them, or donate to them.


Some targeted questions to ask can be found on this 1 page information page and questionnaire located at the link below.

If the rescue and/or government agency the rescue is “partnering with” refuse to answer simple questions, DO NOT support or help them because you very well could later on find yourself on the receiving end of a civil lawsuit when you join in the attack of people you don’t even know based on information you were fed by a retail rescue up to no good for the animal owners, or the animals they profess to want to help.

Short Form Information Page and Questionnaire For Animal Rescues

Where DO ALL of The Lost and “Rescued” Animals Go?


Animals gone missing and/or not being accounted for at animal controls and shelters has been a common problem for decades.

A primary reason this occurs is that because at many AC’s and shelters, people that work there are working in a climate of “disassociating” themselves from what they do several times a month, a week, or sometimes on a daily basis: euthanizing animals.
It is basically the only way that some people with any type of compassion going into being employed at those facilities can do what they do.

Pathological Liar5

Then there are people that are sociopaths/psychopaths and they gravitate to those jobs where they can control other people and animals, make life and death decisions, play the Big Shot that holds the lives of animals and people in their hands, and they actually get paid to kill animals.

However, for the people with any sense of compassion or empathy that go into working at a job that requires them to frequently kill healthy animals, they must either do everything in their power to find animals homes and/or reunite animals with their owners that are searching for them, or they must harden themselves and learn to disassociate themselves from killing animals that don’t want to die.


In the “culture of convenience killing” that exists at many animal controls and shelters, going the extra mile and getting the word out of animals that are available for adoption and/or whose owners are looking for them can be an uphill battle due to the fact that if, or when, all of the employees at the facility aren’t dedicated to the same goal (adoption and reuniting animals with owners), some people that simply don’t care about going that extra mile, or they enjoy killing animals, can undermine the people that actually want to do as much as they can to save animals.

That is the way its been at AC’s and shelters for decade upon decade, and even with the Internet making advertising animals very easy, and also very free, its the human failings of apathy, disassociation, laziness, or downright enjoyment of tormenting and killing animals that throw the proverbial wrench in the machinery and the innocent animals continue to die.

Excerpt from the blog post at the link above:

Animal advocates are concerned that once again, Memphis Animal Services is not updating the only online listings the city does for animals at the facility:  PetHarbor.  These listings, while far from ideal, are essential since MAS has limited hours, limited services, and lots of locked doors where animals are hidden from view.  In some cases, the online listing is the only way for anyone to know an animal is being kept at the facility.  As usual, MAS director James Rogers blames technical difficulties and wants everyone to please stand by:

From: Lou Ann Selves
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 3:06 PM
To: Rogers, James; Tunstall, DeKeishia Masha; Dunlap, Tracy
Subject: Pet Harbor

PetHarbor shows the last dogs that came into the shelter were on October 19. No dogs have been brought in since that date or has no one updated? Considering review dates are critical, some have a small chance of getting out of there if their info is not available.

Lou Ann Selves


On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 3:41 PM, <> wrote:
Good afternoon Lou Ann,

We are aware of the issue and working with our IS department and Chameleon customer service to correct. Your patience is appreciated.

Thank you

James M. Rogers
Administrator, MAS


Dr Death3

What many animal lovers don’t count on however is the disassociation and lack of empathy and compassion that runs rampant at far too many of the “new age” animal “rescues” that are basically just “fronts” for retail animal dealers.

These “rescues” are operated to take advantage of the multi-billion dollar opportunities presented in the “animal rescue industry”, and in many cases has evolved into what is called “retail rescue” because of the FREE and EASY MARKETING AND PR opportunities available on social media advertising and promotion on Facebook and other social media platforms.

There is also a VAST lack of oversight by the government agencies vested with over-seeing “nonprofit animal rescue” and “nonprofit advocacy” regarding:

* how the FREE DONATION MONEY these “rescues” receive is spent,

*how much money, supplies, and other freebies come in annually,

*what exactly happens to ALL OF THE RESCUED ANIMALS these so-called “rescues” are acquiring, transporting, and maintaining using FREE DONATION MONEY they are constantly panhandling for,


*why are they not required to post ALL VET REPORTS OF ANIMALS THEY SAY THEIR VETERINARIAN IS TREATING that they needed donation money for,

*why are they not required to post ALL EUTHANASIA REPORTS for ALL OF THE INNOCENT ANIMALS “they say” they “HAD” to euthanize (people are expected to “take their word for it” when “they say” on behalf of their vet, that apparently has broken fingers and can’t type out reports to be posted, “why” the animal “had” to be killed),

*why are they not required to account for how they disposed of an animals body seeing as donation money is what usually pays for that at donation-funded animal rescues,

*why are they not required to post ALL OF THEIR FINANCIALS RELATED TO THEIR RESCUE OPERATION when it is clear they are a PRIMARILY, OR ENTIRELY DONATION-FUNDED ANIMAL RESCUE using other nice peoples money to run their rescue business that they also pay themselves, their family, and their friends with (and does anyone with any intelligence REALLY believe that people that don’t have apparent real jobs to pay their bills and non-rescue-related items with are “volunteering” at their rescue and not pocketing free donation and/or grant money for their own personal use? REALLY?).

Reputable dog breeders have stringent regulations and laws they must adhere to in order to operate their breeding business, and if they are NOT, then mechanisms are in place whereby concerned people can turn them into an abundance of government agencies for review.

It is completely imbalanced the way the “system” is now regarding a VAST lack of oversight by government agencies policing donation-funded animal rescues and is why there is an infiltration by “retail rescues” into the rescue world.

As with rescues, people should support breeders that are legitimate, honest, and follow the laws and rules. And if they don’t, they can and should be turned into the correct agency.

The problem with donation-funded animal rescues is people can file complaints until they’re blue in the face regarding getting simple questions answered and the government agency’s don’t do anything unless or until enough complaints come in regarding the same rescue.

Not enough people seem to care one bit what happens to the so-called “rescued” animals that have issues and have exhausted their “donation-value” and can’t be sold because of those issues and the “rescue” then kills or “disappears” them.

Why shouldn’t animal rescues that are calling “selling animals” “adoption for a fee” be held to account for their activities that are often just retail sales disguised as “rescue” and “adopting” (although, they aren’t forced to collect sales tax from their buyers as pet stores and some breeders are required to do, they are not required to offer wellness guarantees, or many other things that the aforementioned parties are required to provide and/or collect from their buyers).

Any and all animal rescues that are primarily, or entirely donation/grant-funded should be happy to answer SIMPLE QUESTIONS pertaining to their finances to show their “transparency” and “accountability”,

They should also be happy to post the whereabouts of ALL of the animals they have rescued over the preceding 2+ years.

They should be easily able to publicly post ALL vet reports for animals they are asking for donations in order to treat.

They should easily be able to post all euthanasia reports regarding exactly WHAT WAS WRONG WITH AN ANIMAL THAT IT REQUIRED EUTHANASIA TO SAVE THEM FROM SUFFERING instead of people wondering if the animal was killed because they couldn’t or wouldn’t “do” anything for anyone and the “rescue that isn’t really a rescue” refuses to take responsibility for caring for animals with behavioral and/or physical issues that still really want to live.

Rescues That Kill1

“Convenience killing”, as is seen OFTEN at tax-payer funded animal controls (most people realize this happens a lot at animal controls and shelters that are not “no kill”), IS NOT RESCUE – ITS THE KILLING OF INNOCENT ANIMALS BY ANIMAL TRADERS POSING AS RESCUES.

It is also illegal to raise funds to “rescue” an animal and then turn around and kill them after their “donation-value” is exhausted and when “sorted” (like sorting newly arrived merchandise at a store), it is determined that the “rescued animal” has “issues” that render them unable and/or unwilling to “do” things for anyone and thus cannot be adopted-out (SOLD) with, or even without a fee.

Car Salesmen1

And what’s really horrific is when some of the animal “rescues” “trade-in” animals at animal controls and the dogs and cats they trade-in are euthanized and “disappeared” wherever, or when horse “rescues” “trade-in” horses with the local horse trader or kill buyer and the horses they trade-in are shipped to commercial slaughter or disappeared to parts unknown.

FOIA requests by concerned animal lovers can only glean so much information regarding the whereabouts and disposal of some animals and/or the financials of some animal rescues.

True animal lovers and rescuers refuse to support animal rescues that refuse to answer the simple questions contained on the 1 page short form questionnaire below.

Short Form Information Page and Questionnaire For Animal Rescues

And for the people that are too afraid to ask questions that their “favorite rescue” they “believe in” may not answer and you send money to that animal rescue anyway “hoping for the best” or being a “True Believer”-enabler follower of a “rescue” that is manufactured to look bright and shiny on the outside but is rotten, cancerous, and evil at its core?


YOU are culpable in the KILLING of hundreds, if not thousands of animals at “rescues” that are nothing more than opportunistic scam-artists emotionally manipulating you into giving them FREE MONEY to supposedly “rescue” animals, but far too often KILL and “disappear” animals instead, pocket the money to live off of and spend on non-rescue-related things, and then they move on to their next “crisis rescue” and scam.

If you’re not bothering to ASK A FEW SIMPLE QUESTIONS of animal rescues that you EXPECT ANSWERS to BEFORE you send them money, you are not a real animal rescuer at all and innocent animals are losing their lives because you could very well be funding a scam rescue.