Real Rescue OR “Retail Rescue”?? YOU DECIDE

Exploring Mind1
The link and quote below are Shared from a Facebook page:
“These puppies are for sale at $1,850.00 from a “rescue”. Their moms were purchased with donated money at a dog auction! But they are “rescued”. Same dogs that are sold in the pet stores, for the same price, what is the difference?”
People on that Facebook page where these puppies were posted for “adoption” are just trying to understand and are also trying to get to the core of why dogs bought at a dog auction by a “rescue” USING donation money (not their own money) and then selling them for exorbitant adoption fees is any different then selling them retail besides that retail sales REQUIRE that buyers have to pay sales tax.

Another question is “are there not dogs languishing at animal controls that are on kill lists, and also dogs being given away for free to “whomever” on Craigslist and other freebie classified sites that may end up being used for “bait dogs” for training fighting dogs, or perhaps “bundled” and sold to labs for experiments”?

Sure, they’re probably not going to be cute little puppies of purebred breeds when they are “pulled” from animal control or off of Craigslist, so they won’t bring in the high “adoption” fees, but aren’t rescues supposed to rescue animals in dire straits that may be facing a horrible death?

Its for this reason that more and more rescues are being scrutinized in order to figure out if they are what are known as “retail rescues” – because many, many animal dealers have gotten into “rescue” whereby they can tug at gullible peoples heartstrings and beg for donations to supposedly “rescue” animals when the FACT is that they are NOT really rescuing in many cases and are doing what is called “double dipping” and getting other people to buy animals for them with no expense to them, they then “sort” the animals other peoples money bought, and then they SELL the animals calling it “adoption” that don’t have issues bad enough to keep them from being sold, and then the “broken merchandise” animals that have issues are discarded in various ways.

Short Attention Span2


This is considered FRAUD, MISREPRESENTATION, AND A HOST OF OTHER CRIMES, but unless or until THE PUBLIC (because of the vast lack of oversight in donation-funded animal rescue making it a free-for-all for scam artists) takes the bull by the horns and starts filing complaints TO AG’S OFFICES, THE IRS AND THE DEPARTMENT OF AG, these grifters will continue to USE ANIMALS AS PAWNS and defraud the public and also KILL ANIMALS THAT AREN’T GOOD FOR ANYTHING BECAUSE THEY HAVE “ISSUES” AND BECAUSE “RETAIL RESCUES” ARE NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF FEEDING USELESS ANIMALS.

Non-Profit Fraud21

Going forward, BEFORE you support and/or donate to an animal rescue, and rather then be trusting and gullible regarding who you’re sending your hard earned money to, send the animal rescue the 1 page short-form questionnaire at the link below and see if they will fill it out and return it to you so that you will have a broader understanding of how an animal rescue you are thinking of supporting operates with answers to questions coming from the actual rescue.

Better for you and the animals you are trying to help with your support and donation dollars to ask questions and verify information by asking the ACTUAL RESCUE for the information and not just going on hearsay then to hear after the fact that an animal rescue you trusted with no questions asked turns out to be a retail rescue that flips animals for a living and perhaps discards useless animals in the most callous of ways.

36 thoughts on “Real Rescue OR “Retail Rescue”?? YOU DECIDE

  1. Reblogged this on Top Cats Roar… and commented:
    “Many animal “rescues” attack and stalk animal breeders, but then they turn right around and sell animals for high “adoption fees” but don’t have to follow any of the rules the animal breeders do.”

    “This is obviously what is called “selective enforcement” and taxpayer-funded government agencies that regulate animal breeders NEED TO START REGULATING ADOPTION-BASED ANIMAL RESCUES TOO.” -4 Grace and Truth
    Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinion of others…Stay tuned and follow this blog -B


  2. This article is a bunch of garbage. This is strictly breeders who are envious of rescues. Many, many, many rescues get dogs from auctions, and they are completely upfront and honest about it. It is common. Not rare and deceiving.

    The dogs at auctions are for sale by puppy mills and are for sale to anyone who pays their price. If a rescue doesn’t take them with donated money, then the dogs will go back to puppy mills and continue to produce litter after litter after litter every heat cycle until the day they are shot out in the back or they die in their cage. Do you actually think there is something wrong with rescues taking these dogs?

    Why is there an issue with the price that the rescue asks for the dogs? Breeders do it all the time. They jack up their prices for puppies and they charge different amounts for different dogs due to what they think they can get. I know breeders who have charged over $2,000 for a puppy, and they get it.

    This article is obviously by breeders who are extremely envious of rescues and all the attention they get and the lives they save. You aren’t angry about the rescue saving lives. You are angry that smart people have decided to adopt rather than shop. Breeders are loosing big bucks because smart people have decided to support rescues instead of support breeders, and this is just an attempt to bash rescues.

    I am one of those people who refuse to support breeders and all their sales tactics, and I choose to support rescues and shelters. I am not brainwashed or manipulated. I make a free and full choice to adopt rather than shop. I also show my adopted Mixed Breeds and Purebreds in a variety of sports and activities with over 100 titles in 30 plus years. That makes breeders like yourself extremely angry, so you make up these outrageous stories and lies about how bad rescues are. If you want bad, look in the mirror and wake up to reality, people. Time has moved on and breeders don’t like. Get used to it. The world has changed.


    1. Jackie, what’s the name of your rescue, or the rescue/s you support?

      We want to send them a questionnaire and see if they will answer simple questions that will tell us if they are a real rescue, or a retail rescue which are basically FOR-PROFIT animal dealers posing as NONPROFIT animal rescues when that couldn’t be further from the truth.
      Because of the vast lack of meaningful and enforced rules and regulations in animal rescue, many scam artists are taking advantage of the money-making opportunities in animal rescue where there is little to no accountability regarding finances, where the free money donations are going, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHERE IN THE HELL ARE ALL OF THE ANIMALS THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO BE RESCUED USING GULLIBLE PEOPLES MONEY ENDING UP AND ARE THEY ALIVE OR DEAD.

      And if you are too obtuse to know the difference between a FOR-PROFIT BUSINESS (licensed breeders) and a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (tax exemption with the IRS), us writing 10,000 words would not be able to explain the difference to you.

      And while you may want to accuse breeders of being “envious” (why anyone would be envious of people that are breaking the law by posing as a rescue when they are unethical, low-down, unlicensed animal dealers/brokers/traders is a total mystery), your defense of rescues that charge excessive “adoption fees” (SELLING PRICES) makes it look like you either operate a retail rescue or you know someone who does and you are making excuses for unethical, and in some cases, criminal behavior in the commission of nonprofit fraud.

      You are correct in saying the world has changed; in the case of retail rescues, they are being scrutinized more and more everyday because of their outrageous greedy behavior.


      1. As with breeders for decades and decades, their sales are on an honor system, which is why I don’t buy from breeders. Breeders don’t even have to be registered anywhere, and they don’t have to be an official business. On the other hand, non-profit groups do have to follow IRS rules and regs or they loose their license, and thus can no longer take in donation. So, rescues have a lot more at stack in being honest. Breeder have absolutely nothing to loose by being dishonest. Nothing regulates them, and thus lies the problem.

        What you are describing about rescue is all hype, which has only come about and promoted by breeders. This cliche and fake term you use “retail rescue” was created in desperation only by breeder groups in a desperate and failed attempt to discredit rescues and shelters. Breeder groups don’t like how popular adopting has become and they are desperate to find “the good ol’ days” of being thought of to be the only place to get great dogs. Those days are over, and breeders are crying in their spilt milk, and what you are describing is only the fallout of their ongoing failed attempts to regain what they once had. Period.


      2. Legitimate breeders Jackie have to answer to the Department of Ag and can and do have unannounced inspections where they can be cited and even shut down if they are not in compliance. Rescues are not monitored by the Department of AG, and regarding the IRS, unless a number of complaints come in, they also are not audited and truly are on the honor system. They are also not required to account for every penny by line item regarding their donations.
        We’re not talking about people that don’t know shit from shinola about breeding and just mate dogs to make a buck.
        Commercial breeders are also subject to having their buyers pay sales tax, but non-profit animal rescues are not. Animal rescues don’t even have to be licensed and held to certain criteria regarding sale of dogs.

        If you’ve even bothered to look at the 1 page questionnaire, can you describe why any legitimate above-board rescue would have a problem with answering any of those questions regarding how much money is coming in on their designated fundraisers, what is the money being spent on, and WHERE ARE ALL OF THE ANIMALS RESCUED USING OTHER PEOPLES MONEY ARE ENDING UP WEEKS AND MONTHS LATER AND ARE THEY ALIVE OR DEAD?
        We’d love to have your input on why none of the 40+ rescues the questionnaire has been sent to refuse to answer any of the “yes” or “no” questions, and why won’t they share information about what is supposed to be their “transparent” rescue.

        We’ve seen “rescues” outbid private buyers/homes at horse and dog auctions for the more “sellable”/flip animals, so in your opinion, why would they do that if they are rescuing?


    2. Also, why can’t you understand that dog breeding is a BUSINESS whereby capitalism comes into play and people are in business to make money? Do you work for free Jackie, or would you run a business not eXpecting to make money?



      1. First off, only large scale commercial breeders who designate a certain number of dogs and size are under the Dept of Ag. Those people are a drop in the bucket to the millions of puppies sold from non commercial, small scale breeders, but they still charge a bunch of money for their puppies.

        Second, any second grader knows that the USDA inspection system is all a bunch of garbage and these people are paid by a number of groups to write up fake inspections when obvious issues exist. There are years and years of documented humane cases by groups all over the US who find animals in deplorable conditions, and even days before the place was “inspected” by the USDA. Also, a large number of AKC’s Breeder of Merit breeders are given clean inspections, and then days later the dogs are found in life threatening situations.

        If complaints don’t exist with the IRS or the local police or animal control, well, then, DUH, there must be no complaints. Obviously, people are intelligent enough that if they don’t like something, then can complain. Having been an Animal Services Officer, one of the major complaints is “welfare checks,” and that includes any houses and rescues were never exempt. Everyone knows that if you live in the jurisdiction of an animal control agency, whether you are a pet shop, a breeder, a rescue, a zoo or a circus, you follow the rules and regs of that agency, no questions asked and everyone does, they are the authority regarding animals, and they will come by. If you don’t agree, don’t do business in that area. So, PA-LEEZ, don’t make up lies that rescues are doing wrong things and that it is all going unreported and the abuse goes on and on. What a bunch of garbage. If something is wrong, it will be reported. DUH!


      2. You need a refresher course in the definition of profit and non-profit. You are confused. Commercial breeders are profit. They declare a profit and pay income tax. Non-profits don’t declare profits and don’t pay income tax. They pay employee taxes for paid staff if they have it, and they can ask for donations.

        Remember, the AKC is non-profit. They clean up millions and millions and millions of dollars in tax free money in puppy sales alone each year. I know AKC is crooked upside and down, and I tell everyone all the time. Do you give AKC different standards of operations than you do non-profit rescues because you disagree the rescues save lives and AKC only makes money when dogs are born?


      3. Quite frankly, I’m not “into” animal breeding of any sort and know that breed registries will do whatever it takes offering incentives for people to breed, and breed, and breed animals.

        All that being said however, some rescues are unfortunately crossing the line and looking very greedy indeed when they just happen to keep finding purebred pups “wherever”, and they mark them up to outrageous adoption fees (SELLING) because they are of a desirable breed, while there are thousands of cross-bred dogs on kill lists across the country that the rescues have no interest in rescuing because they just don’t sell and adoption-based rescues aren’t in the business of maintaining dogs or other animals for months or years.

        Still not sure why you’re so dead set on painting all rescues as doing good work and not pocketing money. But as more and more people demand answers of them and get the AG’s offices to ask those questions, more and more rescues will be exposed for the scam artists they are.

        As for the breeders? I couldn’t care less about them but do feel that anyone that isn’t following the laws and rules in place should be given a warning, and then shut down if they don’t comply.

        “Selective Enforcement” is never OK in ANY sector, and that includes animal breeding AND animal rescue.


      4. “All that being said however, some rescues are unfortunately crossing the line and looking very greedy indeed when they just happen to keep finding purebred pups “wherever”, and they mark them up to outrageous adoption fees (SELLING) because they are of a desirable breed, while there are thousands of cross-bred dogs on kill lists across the country that the rescues have no interest in rescuing because they just don’t sell and adoption-based rescues aren’t in the business of maintaining dogs or other animals for months or years.”

        Private rescues can pick and choose what animals they want. That is their choice, and they all do every single day of every single week of every single month and of every single year, and they have for a very long time, and they will continue to. They are limited admission, private shelters. Compared to government open door shelters. Since they are paid with tax money, they must take all animals, no matter what. Understand the difference? Private shelters can pick and choose. Government shelters can not. If a private shelter wants to pick the cute fluffy puppies and popular purebreds, then can and they will and they do and they always have. Those dogs will help to pay for the massive vet bills for the sick puppies,injured dogs and senior that take weeks in recuperation and vet visits just to make adoptable. They all pay for each other. No one is making a profit. They are paying for each other.

        Again, you don’t like what shelters do in general. That is super obvious. You will find anything to criticize no matter what. You are part of a long list of people who bash the great work of shelters and rescues to just jump on the bandwagon. You are standing in the way of animals being saved with your false statements, and that is unforgivable. You are allowing your over inflated ego to get in the way of good judgements. Shame on you!

        “But as more and more people demand answers of them and get the AG’s offices to ask those questions, more and more rescues will be exposed for the scam artists they are.”

        Again, I will repeat myself. Just like police departments, animal control is organized by jurisdictions, and they will cover any animal related incident or business inside that jurisdiction, whether it is city or county. So, if there are complaints about a group, go to the local AC agency. Your notion that because no complaints exist, that must mean that the group is bad but no one has filed complaints. Actually, it means that there are no complaints!!!!!! Pretty simple English, don’t ya’ think?

        Turn on your thinking cap and put it on correct. I think you left it outside in the sun.


      5. FYI. Here is my Facebook page:

        Feel free to contact the hundreds and hundreds of groups I have supported or adopted from over the last 50 years and give them the questionnaire. All groups are public organizations in both this country and other countries. If you have that much time on your hand, you have major life issues.


      6. Not all groups are public orgs Jackie. And not all rescues are donation-funded. Some are self-funded that have operators that work in jobs outside of rescue to support their rescue efforts.

        And typical of your ilk, as soon as someone asks you questions you can’t answer or don’t want to answer because it might expose people for the BS they’re doing, you become rude and imply that other people that do ask questions must just have a lot of time on their hands because they’re not sheeple being led down the garden path by smooth operators.

        I wonder if you get your wish and there are no dog breeders operating anymore, where in the world are the puppies going to come from that have an adoption fee (price tag) of $1850? Care to answer that question?

        Maybe the rescues will breed animals…….oops, some already are in case you don’t know because you can’t be bothered to ask questions of where exactly all of the rescued animals are coming from and pray tell, what do those rescues you support do with the ones that have issues, can’t be adopted out with or without a fee, and thus are defective merchandise..


      7. “And typical of your ilk, as soon as someone asks you questions you can’t answer or don’t want to answer because it might expose people for the BS they’re doing, you become rude and imply that other people that do ask questions must just have a lot of time on their hands because they’re not sheeple being led down the garden path by smooth operators.”

        In other words, you don’t like my responses and answers. It isn’t what you want to hear. That, my dear, is your issue, not mine.

        “I wonder if you get your wish and there are no dog breeders operating anymore, where in the world are the puppies going to come from that have an adoption fee (price tag) of $1850? Care to answer that question?”

        Show my exact words where I said that I don’t want breeders. Show me. I said I don’t personally support breeders. My choice. I don’t care what someone else does. I won’t and I never have supported breeders. I have only supported rescues and shelters and I will continue. In fact, I am waiting for a dog to arrive from Thailand as soon as a flight volunteer becomes available. This would be my second dog from that country.

        “Maybe the rescues will breed animals…”
        Rescues don’t breed animals. Stop regurgitating lies. They save pregnant mothers, mothers with litters and newborns, who would be otherwise killed at shelters who have no way to take care of these animals, who must be in foster homes.


  3. Re-visiting this:
    Jackie was, and probably still is, an example of an “enabler” and is the type of cult follower that reality-show-drama social media retail rescues attract.

    Their followers are literally ADDICTED to the drdramthese pretend-rescues and THAT is why they won’t send the entertainment rescue they follow a VERY SIMPLE 1 page questionnaire; it would burst their bubble that the rescue they’ve been supporting is transparent and honest.

    The tragic fact is that because people just can’t admit they were shammed by smooth talking hustlers in donation-funded rescue, thousands of animals with non-life-threatening issues, or no issues at all, are killed and disappeared by assholes out to make a buck using animals as props and donation-bait – and of course, since these freaks are malignant narcissists that also must be praised as “heroes” when all they really are are animal dealers.
    They and their brain-washed followers that can’t be bothered to send a 1 page questionnaire to rescues that tout they are volunteer run and fueled by donations that asks questions that go to transparency and honesty are the reason so many animals that are supposed to be “safe” in rescue are instead killed and disappeared.


    1. Thank you very much for highlighting what I am say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jackie Phillips

      From: Grace & Truth Spirit & Soul To: Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2017 11:36 AM Subject: [New comment] Real Rescue OR “Retail Rescue”?? YOU DECIDE #yiv4442401858 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv4442401858 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv4442401858 a.yiv4442401858primaryactionlink:link, #yiv4442401858 a.yiv4442401858primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv4442401858 a.yiv4442401858primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv4442401858 a.yiv4442401858primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv4442401858 4graceandtruth commented: “Re-visiting this:Jackie was, and probably still is, an example of an “enabler” and is the type of cult follower that reality-show-drama social media retail rescues attract. Their followers are literally ADDICTED to the drdramthese pretend-rescues an” | |


    2. Point one: Interesting to see your response. It is and always will be a super common response from people who can’t accept different views other than other own. They, like you, say that someone is brainwashed because they believe in an idea other than your own.

      Point two: You can keep you head in the sand for as long as you want. In fact, you have my permission to keep it there for ever because then the rest of us are out saving lives and improving things for animals. You can believe any fiction story you want, while the workers like myself and millions others are doing the work to help animals. Remember SeaWorld and Ringling Brothers, who will soon be in the history books as animal abusers.

      Point three: Go ahead and keep supporting breeders and all the garbage they stand for. I will continue to support rescues and shelter and prove with over 125 titles on all adopted Mixed Breeds and Purebreds that they are the best and will stand side by side to any dog bought by a breeder. You can choose to keep your head in the sand and pretend the world is staying the same, while the rest of us keep winning all the battles and the war!

      Thank you again for posting my responses and bringing people to the side of animal welfare/animal rights, and, yes, they are the same!


      1. Really presumptuous of you to assume I don’t rescue all kinds of animals including a lot of horses, dogs, cats and even some more unusual animals such as the day old calf that we bottle raised and had for 20 years until he passed away from old age. We take in animals with various issues and take care of them for the rest of their lives. Not sure what you do or for how many years, but I assure you that our lives are entirely devoted to rescuing and providing a home for all kinds of animals with no where else to go and its what we’ve been doing collectively for over 50 years.
        Not sure why you have an attitude but your reaction is the fairly typical actions of someone that has found their niche in life and anyone that even slightly challenges them gets the attitude.
        Too bad people like you make all rescuers suspect regarding their mental stability.


      2. “Really presumptuous of you to assume I don’t rescue all kinds of animals including a lot of horses, dogs, cats and even some more unusual animals such as the day old calf that we bottle raised and had for 20 years until he passed away from old age. We take in animals with various issues and take care of them for the rest of their lives.”
        There wasn’t a single comment in my response to contradict your above statement, so you can stop attempting in a cheap way to put words in my mouth.
        “Not sure why you have an attitude but your reaction is the fairly typical actions of someone that has found their niche in life and anyone that even slightly challenges them gets the attitude”
        Wrong again, and, again, there is nothing in my response that gives you any reason to make those assine assumptions.
        “Too bad people like you make all rescuers suspect regarding their mental stability.”
        Again, with the old and outdated attempt to say the other viewpoint is wrong.
        Maybe someday the people who are against animal welfare and pro breeders will make themselves aware of the truth and the people they bash every single day who actually save lives. Based on all the years of bull headed and obsolete conversations, I don’t hold out much hope for any changes there.


  4. I’m sorry Jackie, I didn’t realize in your silly world anyone making money by using animals equals bad, but all nonprofit animal rescue equals good.

    I’ll restate the obvious for people watching this exchange that in your world no nonprofits make money even though I can point to several that are making money, attaining personal items that wasn’t happening before they became a donation funded rescue and they have a bad habit of killing and disappearing animals that are difficult to adopt with, or without a fee so they can make room to bring in fresh inventory.
    And just as I don’t believe extremism is productive with the “anything goes with animals”, your position that no nonprofit rescues are profiting is absurd considering the fact that without a job and a source of taxable income, and rescuers aren’t independently wealthy, its a mystery, according to your theory, that rescues that don’t profit and gain from their participation in animal rescue are somehow able to buy non-rescue related vehicles, get botox, go on vacation to fairly expensive locales, and buy other non-rescue related material goods. What do you think is going on with that?
    And if you think I’m ever going to be ashamed of using my own money to rescue and care for animals no one wants (including one of my rescued dogs that was slated for euthanasia unless a rescue could be located that would provide him with a home and also be willing to sign a lliability release because of a bite history and certain quirked that sometimes trigger dome behavior’s that cause him to be unadoptable) then you are going to be disappointed.

    You sound like an extremist at the opposite end of the spectrum from those that think animals can be used for whatever they want to use them for so they are constantly defending whatever it is they are involved in with animals (breeder, trophy hunting, etc). Its not true that nonprofits never make money, but an audit will help reveal if a rescue is abiding.

    Its absurd for you to write that some animal rescues don’t profit from saving animals. Done correctly some rescues may break even or spend more than what they take in. However, I have factual documentation of some animals profiting from being involved in donation-funded rescue.
    I also don’t have an issue with animal controls. But when those taxpayer funded animal controls “partner” with a rescue to seize animal owners personal animals, that is an issue.

    You mostly sound like a person (as I’ve already written) that doesn’t want to know the truth, so why would I expect you to ask questions of animal rescues, unless they are posting monthly financials, and reporting where all of the animals they’ve rescued are weeks or months up to a year, you just don’t want to know the answers or perhaps you’re afraid they will ignore your questions.

    Since I’m sure you won’t do it, please provide the names of a couple of rescues you support. I don’t have anything against animal controls or rescues if they are willing to answer simple questions that go to accountability. Who knows, maybe the rescues you support will answer questions, which would be a pleasant surprise.

    I have proof positive that several rescues are committing fraud, misappropriations of donated funds, and also animal cruelty because of their execution of innocent animals via gunshot to the head.

    And since I’m not against animal controls and/or rescues, your statement that what is written on this blog in an attempt to discredit them is pathetic and looks to be self serving unless of course you happen to be supporting a transparent rescue that won’t have any problem filling out a simple questionnaire. If they will answer the questions that would be a refreshing, nice surprise. I’ll send the questionnaire and will be happy to report the results if you’ll be kind enough to tell me who these rescues are that will answer simple questions.

    I don’t have any issue with you having an opinion. However, just because you won’t ask simple questions doesn’t mean other people don’t want some answers.
    As for breeders, I agree there is a lack of over-sight, but the same holds true of some nonprofit animal rescues whose tax returns tell the real tale.


    1. “I’m sorry Jackie, I didn’t realize in your silly world anyone making money by using animals equals bad, but all nonprofit animal rescue equals good.”
      Since I never said that, please quote where you allege I said this.
      Cheap attempts at personal attacks will not be tolerated. If you want an adult conversation, then act like an adult.
      “I’ll restate the obvious for people watching this exchange that in your world no nonprofits make money even though I can point to several that are making money, attaining personal items that wasn’t happening before they became a donation funded rescue and they have a bad habit of killing and disappearing animals that are difficult to adopt with, or without a fee so they can make room to bring in fresh inventory.”
      Please quote exactly where I said this, again, if you allege I said this.
      “your position that no nonprofit rescues are profiting is absurd considering the fact that without a job and a source of taxable income, and rescuers aren’t independently wealthy, its a mystery, according to your theory, that rescues that don’t profit and gain from their participation in animal rescue are somehow able to buy non-rescue related vehicles, get botox, go on vacation to fairly expensive locales, and buy other non-rescue related material goods. What do you think is going on with that?”
      Again, quote exactly where I state this.
      “And if you think I’m ever going to be ashamed of using my own money to rescue and care for animals no one wants (including one of my rescued dogs that was slated for euthanasia unless a rescue could be located that would provide him with a home and also be willing to sign a liability release because of a bite history and certain quirked that sometimes trigger dome behavior’s that cause him to be unadaptable) then you are going to be disappointed.”
      Again, quote where I state this.
      “Its not true that nonprofits never make money, but an audit will help reveal if a rescue is abiding.”
      So, approach the IRS if you feel that a rescue is not following the rules. Pretty simple. Just go to the IRS website and make a complaint.
      “You sound like an extremist at the opposite end of the spectrum”
      Obviously, what you think is irrelevant and unimportant since, obviously, you can’t even correctly summarize what I say, despite it being directly in front of you.
      “Its absurd for you to write that some animal rescues don’t profit from saving animals. Done correctly some rescues may break even or spend more than what they take in.”
      You need a refresher in English Literacy since, obviously, the first sentence doesn’t match the second sentence. You second sentence proves the first sentence. Your own words, lady.
      “I also don’t have an issue with animal controls. But when those taxpayer funded animal controls “partner” with a rescue to seize animal owners personal animals, that is an issue”
      If you think a law has been broken, approach the authorities rather than wasting time here about something that doesn’t happen.
      “You mostly sound like a person (as I’ve already written) that doesn’t want to know the truth, so why would I expect you to ask questions of animal rescues, unless they are posting monthly financials, and reporting where all of the animals they’ve rescued are weeks or months up to a year, you just don’t want to know the answers or perhaps you’re afraid they will ignore your questions.”
      You should be writing fiction novels since you seem to have the ability to make things up out of thin air.
      “Since I’m sure you won’t do it, please provide the names of a couple of rescues you support. I don’t have anything against animal controls or rescues if they are willing to answer simple questions that go to accountability. Who knows, maybe the rescues you support will answer questions, which would be a pleasant surprise.”
      Seriously? That is absolutely hysterical! Another cheap attempt at a personal attack
      “I have proof positive that several rescues are committing fraud, misappropriations of donated funds, and also animal cruelty because of their execution of innocent animals via gunshot to the head.”
      Then approach the authorities and report them. If you don’t and you know about a crime being committed you can be arrested and charged for withholding evidence to a crime. You have already posted publicly here that you know this. This is proof enough!
      ” If they will answer the questions that would be a refreshing, nice surprise. I’ll send the questionnaire and will be happy to report the results if you’ll be kind enough to tell me who these rescues are that will answer simple questions.”
      Put down that joint, lady. You are absolutely hysterical. You should contact a fiction editor. You are great!
      “I don’t have any issue with you having an opinion.”
      Obviously, you do since you are wasting a ton of time trying to say my opinions are not valid!
      “As for breeders, I agree there is a lack of over-sight, but the same holds true of some nonprofit animal rescues whose tax returns tell the real tale.”
      Since breeders don’t have to report the income to the IRS and non profit rescues do, then report the rescues to the IRS. Pretty simple, dimple, lady.


  5. Why won’t you list a few names of rescues you support? I could just send questionnaires to the ones you list on the Facebook page link you posted (you know, the ones that have a lot of purebred dogs up for “adoption”/sale).
    I’d rather hear from you regarding the rescues and humane societies you support because now I want to know if they are transparent or not.

    Its typical for people to refuse to answer questions and be insulting when someone is asking them questions.

    The less they are willing to answer questions, the more suspect they become.


    1. Totally amazing! You win the award for being the most wrong in a single conversation! Good for you.

      Don’t you see one point? You are the only person in this conversation, and one person in a conversation without any support or evidence, mean you are the fool. No one cares what you think and no one gives a dam what foolish things you have going on inside your head.

      Get a life!


      1. Typical Jackie, I ask simple questions that you refuse to answer.
        You stated you support quite a few rescues. I simply ask their names so I can send them a 1 page questionnaire since you won’t do it. You become rude and evasive.
        You also refuse to post a few names of rescues you personally support.

        What exactly is the problem if you are in fact supporting legitimate NONPROFIT rescues?
        You posted a link to your page several months ago, so I can just go there and look at rescues you post on your page and send them the questionnaire.
        I was giving you a chance to speak up loud and proud about rescues you staunchly support.

        I don’t understand your reluctance regarding naming some names of rescues you support that if they are legitimate NONPROFITS they shouldn’t have any problem completing a simple 1 page questionnaire.

        Unfortunately, your lack of response is very typical of rescues and rescuers that don’t want yo answer SIMPLE questions that go to accountability and transparency.


      2. “BTW, as it turns out, the Attorney Generals offices in various states do happen to care about nonprofit fraud, misappropriation of funds, and various other crimes some people operating in donation-funded animal rescue are committing. Imagine that.”
        That is their job! Imagine that!


      3. BTW, as it turns out, the Attorney Generals offices in various states do happen to care about nonprofit fraud, misappropriation of funds, and various other crimes some people operating in donation-funded animal rescue are committing. Imagine that.


      4. “Unfortunately, your lack of response is very typical of rescues and rescuers that don’t want yo answer SIMPLE questions that go to accountability and transparency.”
        I hardly think that responding to your posts is “lack of response.” You just don’t like the answers I am providing. That is your problem.


      5. You’ve touted yourself as supporting several rescues. I ask which ones. You don’t answer. Am I surprised? Not in the least because its oh-so-typical of those who play at “selective rescuing”.

        That is what makes you so typical of people that play at rescue. You won’t answer the most simple questions. You are the type of pretend-rescuers the blog post is aimed at.

        No worries Jackie, I sent the questionnaire to a few of the “rescues” listed on the Facebook page you posted the link to. I’m not surprised its being ignored by both so far because its looking like you prefer to do pretend-rescue by interacting with retail rescues.

        May as well be pet stores, but people like you are arrogant and hypocritical, so you call it “rescue” when its actually retail sales.


      6. You can continue to say and do whatever you choose, obviously. And, obviously, it won’t make a difference to the animals who are saved by people like myself and the rescues and shelters that I support, and the millions of other people who believe the same. Go ahead, go stick your head in the sand and pretend the world is different. Pretend whatever fiction you want. Say and do anything. It doesn’t matter what you say or do or believe because the truth will continue to happen every single day, every single week, every single month and every single year. You can either choose to get on board or you can step aside or you can get run over. Your choice.


      7. Its like pretend-rescuers have a script you cut and paste into comments without ever providing real information.
        The reason real rescuers know you’re just playing at rescue is because nothing you write has any substance to it. You also won’t answer questions with d


      8. Again, and I don’t like repeating myself, it doesn’t matter what you do, think, say or feel. It doesn’t make a difference.
        When you have something new and original to add to the conversation, let me know, but I don’t expect anything. Like a parrot, you only repeat the same things over and over without any intelligence behind it because you are told to do so by all the breeder support groups who don’t like rescues and shelters getting all the attention and breeders being left behind. Oh well.
        Move over or join in.


      9. Why are you fixated on breeders?
        What do breeders have to do with rescue other than you appear to like those purebred dogs? How many seizures have you been in on? Why so militant about breeders since we know that there’s plenty of dogs for you to rescue from shelters. I don’t understand your fixation with breeders.

        And you can call it “parroting” all you want, but one way or another answers will be forthcoming from your featured rescues. You can count on it because the California AG’s office appears to be cracking down on animal dealers posing as rescues. Hope you’re not on the Board of Directors of those rescues.


      10. One other thing, you wrote “move over or join in”……join in on what? The weird competition some donation funded “rescues” are engaged in? No thanks, I’m going to pass on competing for a following, for donations, and as some “rescues” do, committing fraud, misappropriation of funds and other shady stuff.
        Your competitive showboating version of rescue that often features a gaggle of narcissistic women who are arrogant and egotistical, with some making a career of nonprofit rescue, holds no appeal.

        No thanks, I’ll continue to help animals using my own money I actually work to earn.
        Thanks for the invite though, your writings reveal what kind of “rescue” you’re into and I’m not interested.


      11. You’re the perfect example that illustrates what the blog post is about. Thank you Jackie, well done.

        I’m also not waiting for anything and the questionnaires have been sent to two of the rescues that are featured on your page. I’m not interested in sending the questionnaire to random rescues or “groups all over the world”. I’m interested in rescues and groups you feature on your page for the simple reason that you felt the need to yak about this blog post being breeder propaganda (Heaven only knows what you’re talking about considering the post isn’t about breeders of any species and its about con artists that have infiltrated nonprofit rescue) and now I’m curious about rescues you support. Did you think the blog post was about what kind of “rescuing” you personally do? You’ve seemed defensive from your very first comment, which seems odd considering no specific names were mentioned in the blog.

        The rescues you have on your page will either answer simple questions, or they won’t.
        What they decide to do, or not do, will set the course of action going forward.

        Thanks again for your input and illustrating how an extremist “rescuer” behaves when expressing hatred for a sector of the animal world that wasn’t even mentioned in the blog post and even though you ironically appear to like those purebred dogs most likely produced by a breeder.


  6. Oh, and Jackie, local authorities (animal services and the humane society/spca) have had several complaints filed with them regarding healthy rescued animals being shot) and they have thus far refused to do anything.
    The crimes have been reported locally (nothing done) and complaints are now being sent to state and federal authorities.


  7. “You posted a link to your page several months ago, so I can just go there and look at rescues you post on your page and send them the questionnaire.”
    I post links and share posts continuously on my page. You can contact groups from all over the world that should keep you busy for the rest of your pitiful life. What are you waiting for? Christmas?


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